According to the Star's "Behind Closed Doors", other state employees drive less expensive cars, such as the Ford Taurus, a Dodge caravan minivan or the Jeep Cherokee. Roob tells the Star that "the Sequoia provided the necessary support to his back that the standard state fleet vehicle just didn't provide." The Star adds, "We probably should be glad that the only car that made Roob's back feel better wasn't a Porsche or a Lamborghini." Do you think the 10,000 Medicaid recipients who lost their benefits because of his agency's mistake earlier this year will be comforted knowing that he's comfortable in his Toyota Sequoia?
State Lottery Director Esther Schneider says she was offered a car but turned it down. Speaking of whom, the column also tells us that Gov. Daniels says Schneider's job is safe for now. "Asked whether he still has confidence in Schneider, Daniels said: 'Till somebody shows me to the contrary.'" Daniels added, "[W]hat we do know is the lottery was a wreck when she got there. There were people with unpaid taxes, people with suspended driver's licenses, people who had stolen lottery tickets." And, he added, "we know that the place was featherbedded. She took out 10 to 20 percent of the personnel." Does this mean the controversial inspector general's complaint warrants no more than an item in "Behind Closed Doors?"
Across the board, both Repub and Dem politicians use public dollars to lure private business to their cities and STATE…all using the same lame, sadly effective, arguments.
To deflect and add a personal attack on Peterson(D) without also pointing out the numerous occasions that a Republican official has done the exact same thing is just more partisan politics.
lol, posted reply at wrong article...see: Peterson wants taxpayer to subsidize F-1.
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