At least one of the candidates vying to represent 7th District voters in Congress showed up today for a panel discussion with area bloggers, Jen Wagner of Taking Down Words, Abdul Hakim-Shabazz of Indiana Barrister and RiShawn Biddle of the Star's Expresso. Republican candidate Eric Dickerson was on hand to answer questions today. Consider this an open thread to comment about today's event sponsored by the Coalition for Open Government. The photos are courtesy of the trusted man with the camera and die-hard Carson supporter and opposition research specialist, Wilson Allen. Carson had more important matters to attend to than answer questions about why she should be re-elected by the voters of her district.
I could not go, and depend on others to tell me what happened.
Ms. Carson's absence is regretable, but she's gonna do the Rose Garden strategy. As few public appearances as possible.
Ms. Carson was at the funeral of Wayne Watson, Steelworker labor leader and longtime Democrat. Sorry if human friendship and compassion doesnt meet your politcal activist standards.
The guy in the picture next to ED was the Marion Democratic Party spokesperson (he's new so I dont know his name). There's no Libertarian in the 7th District race, not even as a write-in.
Ms. Carson will be quite out and about on her schedule at locations chosen by her, not chosen by a desperately behind & underfunded GOP campaign ... sorry Eric, you are playing catch up bigtime. Live with it!
She doesnt and hasn't shown up for much else. When does she plan to show up for a debate? Or is that something else she'll have a real good excuse for too?
Good idea. Does she plan on debating Eric? I would like to hear from both sides.
In this day and age, there are multiple sources of information about candidates. The Internet can overwhelm you.
There's the official Congressional site at http://www.house.gov/carson and the campaign website at http://www.juliacarson.org
Google or Yahoo produce a cornucopia of information about Julia Carson...
Dickerson has a website too.
Project Vote Smart is great about both candidates. http://www.vote-smart.org
www.juliacarson.org is perhaps the biggest joke of a candidates website I've ever come across...
the links to 'issues' and 'biography' don't even work...
she's too lazy to show up to vote, too lazy to debate, so I guess it's no surprise she's too lazy to get a real website...
How can anyone support her as a representative?
Oh... but the 'contribute' link works...
I'd like to say I'm surprised, but mama taught me not to lie.
Frankly, that anybody showed up is a bit surprising.
Julia has been unavailable to the people in the district for quite a long time. Why does Wilson always make excuse for her?
Wilson, it seems only YOU are aware of Julia's schedule - time to share. She is my rep and she is unapproachable. Well that is unacceptable.
If she can't show up to debate Dickerson, I won't be voting for her to show up in Washington.
Dickerson wins, Julia's out.
Stock up on your beer, Dickerson supporters, you'll be doing a lot of crying into it on November 8th ... you got gallons of Budweiser real salty after Blankenbaker, Hoffmeister, Scott, NcVey and Horning lost too!
Wilson Allen: The Ghetto Mafia's version of Karl Rove.
Wilson "ghost employee" Allen 46201:
For your information, I believe the public is waiting to see what the next smear will be on Dickerson.
I want you to remember one thing,
Julia Carson does not own the office. The voters in the district will determine if they want to send her back, not you.
It is time for the debates. you are not the candidate, she has to answer to the voters.
Debates are being scheduled, lets see if she shows up.
Short of death, she has to debate her opponent this time! No more excuses.
Cynthia McKinney is a good example of what happens when you do not show up for debates!
Meaningful debates are scheduled with agreement beforehand with both candidates. Anything else is a desperate election stunt by a desperately behind campaign ...
Cynthia McKinney is a good example of what happens when you do not show up for debates!
Meaningful debates are scheduled with agreement beforehand with both candidates. Anything else is a desperate election stunt by a desperately behind campaign ...
And avoiding debates is a sign that someone is afraid of being shown up in public by someone who is of superior wit, intellect, and diction.
Yup - Ms. Carson's diction indeed could be better. As a child, she had years of speech therapy - she can still use American Sign Language she learned to communicate with. She overcame that speech handicap sufficiently to participate in politics in a powerful, meaningful way most of her adult life.
Julia is uneducated and stays drunk half the iime, don't insult the physically challenged with this cheap exploitative attempt.
She has been an elected official for decades and was too trifling to even get a formal education so that she could at least "attempt" to arm herself with the brain power that is required to fully participate and succeed in Washington.
In addition, she looks like a drunken baglady and she dresses like she sleeps under bridges at night.
Plus, on top of the, because she always looked bad, she's sick.
Ms. Carson does exactly what someone who is ahead usually does--don't acknowledge that the other candidate actually exists. She has nothing to gain by talking at the same place as Mr. Dickerson and much to lose.
Wilson46201 notes that her diction is not good, which is correct. In addition, she seems to have no real ideas when I've heard her speak. She does not stand up very well against arguments against her position. So avoiding a debate is very smart for her.
Fortunately it is not necessary for Ms. Carson to debate anyone. Her positions are well documented. Mr. Dickerson, though, is an unknown entity so it is good to hear him speak.
I personally think that Ms. Carson's positions and voting record are damaging to the country, the state, and her district. I think that Mr. Dickerson's (from what I have heard) will be very good for the country, the state and the district.
Debates do not matter. Positions do.
Joel Harris
Clearly, Julia Carson is too pooped to govern. We can argue all day about the reasons why, but isn't this evident even to Democrats?
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