As Hummer announced it was planning layoffs at its South Bend plant, Governor Mitch Daniels announced a deal he had struck with California Gov. Arnold "The Terminator" Schwarzenegger to import 1,200 medium security prisoners from the Golden State to Indiana's New Castle Correctional Facility. New Castle is managed by a private contractor, GEO, so most of the $6.2 million California will pay to Indiana will go to GEO. The addition of these inmates will put New Castle at full capacity. I guess New Castle will be taken off the table permanently as a place where Marion Co. can house its inmates to help alleviate jail overcrowding at its two primary jails. I'm still trying to figure out how this deal helps Indiana. Can anyone help me out?
And please don't say it's economic development. That will not help out our state's image in the least bit.
AI the article says that Indiana will get the money...
Indiana will receive $6.2 million per year to house the inmates, and up to 200 new jobs will be created at the facility.
Is that true or do you have some more info on the contract which says GEO will get the money?
If Indiana gets the money then it seems like a good way to profit off a underutalized facility.
What I wonder is how this affects the statewide capacity for inmates?
The state must feel the Marion County - IDOC deal is dead as long as Dems control the CCC and Mayor's office. Marion County is housing the overflow at Jail II for now. Of course next year we'll revisit this issue I'm sure.
Doesn't seem that bad to me Gary. According to the article, the contract can be terminated if Indiana needs the space. And 200 jobs in a place like New Castle doesn't seem to shabby.
The state of Indiana has a contract with GEO to run the prison. Most of the money the state is paid will go to pay GEO's contract with the state.
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