A couple of thousand volunteers, walkers and bicyclists pitched in to help raise more than a $100,000 for the Indiana AIDS Fund at today's 16th annual AIDS Walk. The top photo shows participants gathering for today's event in University Park. Lisa and Duke helped fill the ranks of Team Indy Pride, which is shown in the bottom photo. Congratulations to everyone for helping make this another successful fundraising event.
Congratulations! Everyone who walked should be very proud. Glad you had perfect weather for such a great event.
Great job on raising so much money. I glad so many people turned out. It is great to see a community to come together to raise money for a good cause. You should of taken the cats with you some people had there dogs.
Joe Pearson Democratic Candidate for Secretary of State attended and Walked the Walk...Awesome...Vote this Election
Joe Pearson was there? And walked the walk!
Very cool!!!!!
Thanks for informing us.
He deserves our vote for that reason alone (but for so many others. Secretary of State is an important job.)
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