Monday, October 02, 2006

Time And Toll Roads Key For House Democrats

The Star's Mary Beth Schneider gives a run down of some of the hot House races which will decide control of the Indiana House of Representatives this year. She reports that Democrats are counting on voter anger over the enactment of daily savings time (DST) and the privatization of the Indiana Toll Road to a foreign-owned firm to help them recapture the chamber currently controlled by Republicans by a 52-48 margin. Schneider devotes most of her story to the race between Rep. Troy Woodruff (R-Vincennes) and his Democratic opponent Kreg Battles. Woodruff was elected two years ago after he promised to oppose DST. Woodruff, a congressional aide to U.S. Rep. John Hostettler (R), later switched his vote in support of DST after some arm-twisting by Gov. Mitch Daniels (R).

The list of twelve races Schneider keys in on are as follows:

District 17-- Rep. Steve Heim (R-Culver) v. Nancy Dembowski (D)
District 20-- Tom Dermody (R-LaPorte) v. Andres Renner (D)
District 21-- Rep. Jackie Walorski (R-Lakeville) v. Robert Kovach (D)
District 30-- Rep. John Smith (R-Kokomo) v. former Rep. Ron Herrell (D)
District 31-- Rep. Tim Harris (R-Marion) v. Larry Hile (D)
District 33-- Rep. Bill Davis (R-Portland v. former Rep. Ron Liggett (D)
District 46--Rep. Vern Tincher (D-Riley) v. Reid Dallas (R)
District 52-- Rep. Martin Stutzman (R-Howe) v. Dennis Rorick (D)
District 64--Rep. Troy Woodruff (R-Vincennes) v. Kreg Battles (D)
District 69--Rep. Billy Bright (R-North Vernon) v. David Cheatham (D)
District 70-- Rep. Paul Robertson (D) v. Christopher Byrd (R)
District 86--Rep. David Orentlicher (D) v. Kathy Densborn (R)

Some local political observers would probably add the seat held by Rep. Larry Buell (R-Indianapolis) to that list. He faces a strong challenge from Democrat John Barnes. The Howey Political Report has rated this seat a toss up. Based on this list, it is apparent that there are more Republican incumbents who appear vulnerable than Democratic incumbents. If this is a Democratic year as most political observes expect it will be, the Democrats should have no problem picking up enough seats to win out-right control of the House.


Wilson46201 said...

a Democratic majority in the House is a necessity to slow down and defeat the Eric Miller anti-marriage amendment. Republican Brian Bosma as Speaker would enable his jihad against LGBT folk...

Anonymous said...

I agree with Wilson46201!

Jeff Newman said...

Too bad the above mentioned marriage issue is not the reason the Repubs may be on the outs. When the Major Moves money starts hitting the state economy people are gonna start saying "hmm, maybe it wasn't such a bad idea after all!"

Anonymous said...

And a Dem majority will undo the economic progress of the past two years in Indiana and we'll start sliding down the slope towards the crapper once again.

Of course Democrats don't care the more people they keep on welfare the better the Dems like it.

Anonymous said...

Speaker Bauer still scares me, if only for the hairdo.

But it beats Speaker Bosma any old day of the week.

I hear from reliable sources that the predicted Dem wins are having spillover effect in the statewide races--ala Secretary of State, etc.

Anonymous said...

I would add the District 26 race of Rep Joe Micon (D-West Lafayette) vs. Connie Basham (R) to the list, since they opposed each otehr last time/ he won by only 1% --600 votes/she is a millionaire real estate magnate/ he is underfunded and a 1st time incumbent.

In the end we will save this seat for the Dems -- but it HAS been targeted.

Anonymous said...

Hail, can you at LEAST come up with a new mantra to pummel Dems?

The one you used is as outdated as: "The Republicans only got us into a war we can't win."

Anonymous said...

11:27 Truth hurts doesn't it? Not like jumping onto a bicycle with the seat missing but it still hurts.

Anonymous said...

Moving quietly and effectively, a coalition of like-minded PACs has also coordinated resources in the key districts you outlined. This coalition has been especially helpful in Barnes'campaign to unseat Buell.