A new internal poll released by the campaign of Dr. Woody Myers suggests the race for the Democratic nomination in the 7th District congressional race has become a two-man race between Myers and U.S. Rep. Andre Carson. According to the poll conducted April 13-15, Myers is trailing Carson 34%-28%. State Rep. David Orentlicher placed third in the poll with 13%, while State Rep. Carolene Mays came in fourth with 7%, with another 18% undecided. The Myers poll, which was conducted by Global Strategy Group, found that Carson's support had fallen 11 percentage points from an earlier poll conducted shortly after the March 11 special election, which Carson won over State Rep. Jon Elrod (R) with 54% of the vote. Myers, on the other hand, raced passed Orentlicher, going from 11% to 28%, after launching a huge media buy in the district. Myers' campaign is also pleased that their candidate is the top second choice for both Carson's and Orentlicher's supporters. The poll found that Carson was viewed favorably by 70% of the poll's respondents. The poll has an error rate of plus or minus 4.9%.
Notice that the latest poll was taken before the Obama/Carson endorsement and also before Orentlicher had started running any TV commercials...
Wilson talk to the people on the street. CarsonX is in trouble. Indy's African American community have another choice and Dr Woody is closing in fast.
Andre will soon lose his silver spoon and will be done in Indianapolis politics. He won’t even be able to call himself a one termer. He better be calling Cripe and begging for his job back.
Before Woody Myers starts touting himself as a serious candidate for Congress, how about he shows up at the congressional forums. The MOVE candidate debate was last night at Oasis of Hope, and every single candidate besides Woody Myers was there. It is easy to script lines for a TV commercial, but it was all of the other candidates who showed up to discuss issues and listen to voters in person. I think the empty chair behind the Woody Myers namecard at the debate spoke volumes about how in touch he is with this district.
Notice that Wilson didn't challenge the poll results I posted a little more than a week ago which suggested Carson was trailing Orentlicher with Woody right on his heels.
Why would anyone challenge poll results from some unnamed poll done by some unnamed pollster under stop type of procedures but without any specifics and numbers....Wilson is not dumb.....
Woody doesn't show at meetings, has just dumped another chunk of his own money into the campaign....who says a California resident cant try and buy a congressional seat in Indiana.......
If it's got to be a democrat then I say anybody but Carson.
Woody can go broke if thats what he wants, I just want to see the Carsons gone.
Anything I would have said about your silly leaked "poll" last week you would have derided -- it was more fun to watch this blog simmer in its ignorance and bigotry...
Poor Ernie Shearer: he knocked himself out over Eric Dickerson but that didn't work out so good. Then Ernie hitched to Jon Elrod: another loser! But it's good to see that Ernie Shearer agrees with Woody's stern denunciation of the George W Bush screwups and the Iraq Recession. Maybe there's hope for Ernie after all !
Art Fuggins said, "Why would anyone challenge poll results from some unnamed poll done by some unnamed pollster under stop type of procedures but without any specifics and numbers...."
Why would anyone give a damn what a coward who dons a hood and sheet and calls himself Art Fuggins has to say about anything? Wilson, How did your court appearance last week go?
I'll answer the question for you without your personal insults. Wilson received yet another continuance in his long-running battle to avoid compliance with code violations on his home. Lou Rosenberg was sitting in for Judge Keele. He recused himself from hearing Wilson's case. Hence, another continuance.
Dr. Myers was not at the Oasis of Hope forum because of a previous engagement which had been scheduled prior to the forum. We did send Alisa Morris in his absence and we were misled by forum organizers as to the formality of the forum. Ms. Morris read a statement on behalf of Dr. Myers before leaving the forum.
Having actually attended the entire event, unlike you or anyone else from the Myers campaign, your charactarization of your representation there is vastly overstated. Yes, the campaign did send a representative, who read a canned statement at the very beginning, and then did not even stick around for the last 9/10 of the forum, including the entire section of audience questions.
And "misled" is a strong word - was it Members Of the Village Empowered, or the Oasis of Hope Baptist Church that did the so called misleading? Somehow, every other candidate managed to it out and attend the debate.
It is amazing. You accuse me of making personal insults[when? where?] and then you accuse me of wearing a sheet and a hood......a little confusing...perhaps you confused me with IndyErnie who always refers to Andre as CarsonX.........
This supposed Obama/Carson cross-endorsement really baffles me. Obama is running on a platform of Change. Carson is nothing but more of the same. How can he say he wants to change Washington when he supports good-ole-boy politics: where a name and who you know means more than your experience and qualifications? If Obama shows up in Carson commercials, I absolutely will change my vote from Obama to Clinton on May 6th. My one vote may not mean much, but c'est la vie.
Whoops. The "he" in the 4th sentence is Obama, not Carson... Just for the record.
"perhaps you confused me with IndyErnie who always refers to Andre as CarsonX........."
Art you are a piece of shit.
Just because I'm tired of the lack of representation from the Carson family isn't a reason to associate me with the Klan. I'm the last person to hide behind a made up name or a hood.
Lets see if you have a set of marbles other then those leaking from your head. I don't think I know you personally so the next time you find yourself in the same room with me, introduce yourself, please...if you dare.
I’ve only referred to AndrĂ© as CarsonX one time, that was tonight. AndrĂ© knows me, he has threatened me face to face and guess what asshole, I’m still around.
I wonder how many R Votes Andre and Woody expect to pick up ?
The Myers Volunteer who stopped by my house today had to of known I was a Republican.
I did tell him that out of all of the Democrats I would vote for Myers.
LEts see - Clinton intead of Obama - just to see the race keep going on and Thompson just to give TDW a snub to the nose.
IndyErnie, AI is the one who referred to me as wearing a sheet and a hood. It baffled me as it must have baffled you. I only suggested he might have meant you since you have made the CarsonX comment which does show religious intolerance. If you dont like Carson that is fine, but please dont make fun of his religion.
Art Fuggins and Wilson Allen would appear to be one and the same.It looks like Wilson has renewed his sock puppetry practice, if he ever gave it up.
This is the first time I heard about the "poll" How many others did not know about it?
One more comment: Who did the polls pick for Mayor of Indianapolis last year?
Wilson, If you want to make up lies about me and other people, stick to your favorite blog, Blue Indiana. You're not going to do it here.
There's hope. Even Blue Indiana has deleted one of Wilson's offensive comments.
Actually David Myers, the last poll had Peterson only ahead by about 4 points, well within the margin of error. Obviously polls do not measure intensity of support, or lack thereof when it came to Peterson. The Ballard win wasn't that big of a surprise on the day of the election. It would have been a shock though two months earlier, but not on Election Day. By then Peterson had already committed political suicide.
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