Sen. John McCain brought his Straight Talk Express campaign to Indianapolis on the eve of the presidential election. Several thousand cheering Hoosiers, most of whom were wearing red, were on hand to welcome the McCain campaign on a perfect autumn day. Mayor Greg Ballard warmed up the crowd. Speaking as "an old Marine" who "knows a thing or two about upsets", Ballard assured the crowd that a "historic upset is in the making." "I never led in any of the polls," Ballard said of his upset win over Mayor Bart Peterson last year. One of McCain's earliest supporters, Gov. Mitch Daniels, introduced Cindy McCain, who in turn introduced her husband. Daughter Megan was along for the trip, along with several of McCain's Senate colleagues, including Sen. Lindsay Graham (R-SC), Sen. Mel Martinez (R-FL), Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) and Sen. Richard
Burd (R-NC). An upbeat Sen. McCain, sounding a little hoarse at times, declared, "We've got the momentum." "We're going to win." McCain received the roaring approval of the audience when he asked how they liked his Saturday Night Live appearance. "I really believe Gov.
Palin and Tina Fey were separated at birth." McCain promised to bring "real change to Washington." He hit Obama hard on taxes and, in particular, Democratic plans to tax 401(k) contributions. He promised to protect social security and Medicare and not take away your retirement savings. McCain didn't pass up the opportunity to hit
Obama's plan to bankrupt the coal industry as evidenced by a taped interview Obama gave the San Francisco Chronicle last January but which surfaced only this past weekend. McCain gave an interview to ESPN on the tarmac for Monday Night Football before boarding his plan and heading to Roswell, New Mexico. From there he will head on to his hometown of Phoenix.
Any sign of Lugar?
Of course not. It says all there is to know about him. Dick Lugar has completely sold his party out in this race in hopes he'll be offered Secretary of State in an Obama administration.
Funny... John McCain has tried his hardest to distance himself from his party as well. Maybe everyone is getting wiser with age!!
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