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Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Obama Birth Certificate Revealed

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While the “October Surprise” credit crisis netted Obama the general election, a “January Surprise” constitutional crisis will NOT net Obama the Presidency!
Now we know he really was born in Hawai'i. Thats the proof we needed.
Who is paying for this 9 Million $$ estate?
Is this going to be the 'western white house?' Man that's going to rack up the $$$ flying back and forth.
Some people mourn in public. Some people mourn in private. How Barack Obama intends to mourn his grandmother is Barack Obama's business and not the business of anyone else...including the "great" writer of the blog.
Actually, if you read Time's interview with the President-Elect, he talks about his grandmother's death.
I want to start by saying I would personally have voted for Obama for President (long story but I can't vote). I have seen a few assumptions that IF (I personally feel nothing will come of these Supreme Court cases) Obama was to be found "not to be a natural citizen" that Biden would become the President...BUT, if Obama is found to NOT be a natural citizen then that would make him ineligible for the Presidency then would that not make his choice for VP(Biden) become void? At this point Bush will still be in the presidency well into June (my understanding is there has been a presidency that has run past the Jan. 20 inauguration and went well into March). Remember people there are lots of agendas out there and who is to say (conspiracy alert) that a 30 year plan wasn't started on September 11, 1991 when Bush Sr. gave his famous NWO speech about a one world government, followed by a attack on American soil on September 11, 2001 (a pattern is emerging) that gave the president a chance to pass laws taking away many of the rights established by our Bill of Rights (not going into it here but search for yourself the Executive Orders signed by Bush since 911 and lets not get into the Patriot attack ...I mean Act[submitted read and agreed upon hours before the vote resubmitted with huge differences giving no time for ANYONE to hae read it before signing it]) and when we are finally ready to be rid of Bush we start hearing about ineligibility of Obama which was declined by the Supreme Court months ago only to be resubmitted and to be heard on the 9th and 16th mere days before the official Inauguration. Remember 40 of our 43 Presidents have been Freemasons (more research ... aren't I a stinker) which simply CAN'T be a coincidence. Now realize Bush signed a proposal for 20,000 military troops to "police" our country in fear of riots from our "emerging depression" which will be in place in each state before the inauguration (which may not happen... I still think...aww neva mind) Obama not being "allowed" to be president will be turned on the government and "whites" who are of course ALL racist and against a African-"American" becoming President which will of course cause rioting by lets call them "Obamaites" fires eage across our country, people(whites) being murdered in the streets total civil unrest which will "force" (by choice) Bush to call upon Marshall Law to enforce the turmoil in each state. So remember the agendas of "others" are far more insidious than YOU may think and don't let it come to this...End conspiracy theory. Don't you find it a coincidence that both McCain and Obama both had this ineligibility claim so no matter who would have won there would be this doubt that would of course lead to Bush remaining in office longer than he deserves (well we can't take the last eight years back but we can stop Bush from retaining the Presidency)
moneynewsletter, you are incorrect. Bush would NOT remain as President if Obama were disqualified prior to inauguration; under the 20th Amendment, Biden would become Acting President until a new President is determined.
Since the Supreme Court has now prevented itself from acknowledging the question of whether Barack H. Obama is or is not an Article II “natural born citizen” based on the Kenyan/British citizenship of Barack Obama’s father at the time of his birth (irrespective of whether Barack Obama is deemed a “citizen” born in Hawaii or otherwise) as a prerequisite to qualifying to serve as President of the United States under the Constitution -- the Court having done so at least three times and counting, first before the Nov 4 general election and twice before the Dec 15 vote of the College of Electors -- it would seem appropriate, if not necessary, for all Executive Branch departments and agencies to secure advance formal advice from the United States Department of Justice Office of Legal Counsel as to how to respond to expected inquiries from federal employees who are pledged to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States” as to whether they are governed by laws, regulations, orders and directives issued under Mr. Obama during such periods that said employees, by the weight of existing legal authority and prior to a decision by the Supreme Court, believe in good faith that Mr. Obama is not an Article II “natural born citizen”.
Moreover, each and every member of Congress should be notified that he or she is personally liable (can be sued) for his or her own failure, or the same in conspiracy with other members, to perform what is a ministerial and constitutional duty, that is, to require and/or insist that Presidential electoral votes only be counted for candidates who are “natural born citizens” under Article II of the United States Constitution, the failure of which creates a cause of action for deprivation of claimants’ constitutional rights (as allowed under the Bivens case) against employees of the Federal Government, in this case, to a lawful President and Commander in Chief, and therefore, for deprivation of adequate continuation of the United States as a Constitutional Republic. The constitutionally tortious conduct is not subject to congressional immunity and would be the jettison of Article II of the Constitution by failure to stop and/or object to the counting of electoral votes for Barack H. Obama who has admitted that at the time of his birth his father was a Kenyan/British citizen and not a citizen of the United States of America.
Finally, if 1/20/09 comes and goes with a usurper in the Whitehouse (that is, Obama is definitely NOT an Article II “natural born citizen” -- dad Kenyan/British citizen at BHO’s birth -- albeit he MAY be a 14th Amendment “citizen”) with usurper enablers in Congress and the Supreme Court … God help us because many of the people will -- rightfully and under our Constitution and Declaration of Independence -- endeavor through other means to take back the Government from what is nothing less than a non-constitutional coup d’etat. (SCOTUS now does have the power to forestall that grim yet inevitable scenario, otherwise the blood and possible loss of our Constitutional Republic is SQUARELY ON THEIR HEADS.)
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