After law enforcement took the second suspect into custody last Friday, I asked who the naked man was that media had initially identified as the suspect police had taken into custody following the police shootout with Tamerlan and Dzohkar Tsarnaez in the early morning hours last Friday. It couldn't be Tamerlan because police tell us he was shot multiple times during the shootout with police and then run over by his own brother during his escape and killed. I was watching the local new reports being broadcast live the morning of the shootout. The naked man in the video was clearly identified at that time as the suspect police had taken into custody with the other suspect remaining at large. That story quickly fell apart when no more than an hour later the live media reports said the suspect taken into custody had been transported to an area hospital where he died from injuries sustained in the shootout with police in Watertown. Later, the police said this man was not a suspect; rather, he was just someone who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and was forced to strip naked, taken into custody for questioning and later released when police determined he had no connection to the bombings. When Tamerlan's aunt, Maret Tsarnaeva, saw the video, she claimed it was her nephew. A lot of bloggers and alternative media have noticed the remarkable similarity between the naked man and Tamerlan. What do you think?
I've been wondering if my 70 year old eyes are playing tricks on me.
When this started we were shown a photo of 2 men talking on cell phones. Both were wearing black jackets, khaki pants w/leg pockets, khaki/tan boots/shoes. (I thought military/gov't men). But then the video came out of them walking down the sidewalk.
Did the second guy find a phone booth and change clothes? 'cause it sure looks like he has black or at least dark colored pants on.
Occam's Razor...
he was exactly whom the police said he was... some dude who was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
There is no conspiracy here, man. Seriously.
If he is just a innocent person at the wrong place wrong time, where is his public statement? How come we have not heard from this man? We have heard from all types of witnesses and other people who all told of their random accounts. How come we have not heard anything from this innocent suspect? The news has not put a puppet in his face for his accounts of how he got involved, enethough multiple news outlets reported his arrest? Doesn't seem quite right to me.
A woman called into a local Boston radio station after the shootout and stated that she witnessed a police suv backed over Tamerlan and then the police fired several shots into him before he was placed into a waiting ambulance. She made this statement prior to the police stating that Tamerlan had been run over by his brother. Something is very fishy about this entire situation.
I have read so many conflicting stories that do not add up including this. I think the government and their defenders likes the confusion just fine since then they will never have to own up to any truth.
I hate when people misapply Ockham's Razor.
Ockham's Razor does not say that the simplest story is true, otherwise, we simply posit "God did it," and call it a day.
Yes, unless proven otherwise, that man is Tamerlan, before he was brutally murdered. Damn!!
Tamerlan was 6'3" and 200 pounds. This guy looks neither plus the man who witnessed the entire thing from his upstairs vantage point took photos and saw Dzhokhar run over his bro.
Jon, I've heard him described by his ex-girlfriend as "a little tough guy." He doesn't look that tall to me in the various pictures I've seen as him. The barefoot naked guy, however, stands as tall as the officer escorting him, whose shoes are probably lifting him about 2". I've looked at those shooting videos, Jon. The quality of those pictures is so poor I can't make heads or tails of them. They do, however, prove that there was a police SUV vehicle at the scene, which one of the neighbors who called into the radio show referenced in one of the earlier comments claims she saw run over Tamerlan before she aw two police officers repeatedly shoot at him after he was on the ground. Like I said before, most police cruisers have dash cams. I would like the police to produce those to give a better picture of what was taking place.
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