It's no secret in Washington that Sen."Dirty Harry" Reid (D-NV), a certified member of the Mormon Mafia, didn't get where he is today by being a boy scout. The Washington Times in an exclusive report about a public corruption investigation of Reid and Utah's junior Republican senator, Mike Lee, that Attorney General Eric Holder blocked the Department of Justice's Public Integrity Section from using a federal grand jury and subpoena process to assist local prosecutors in gathering evidence. The Times describes the investigation of the two senators as focusing on two issues:
- Whether both or either politician sought or received money or other benefits from donors and/or fundraisers in connection with doing political favors or taking official actions.
- Whether Mr. Lee provided accurate information when he bought, then sold a Utah home for a big loss to a campaign contributor and federal contractor, leaving his mortgage bank to absorb large losses.
One of my favorite scenes from "The Godfather" is where Sen. Pat Geary, a Nevada senator, tries to shake down Michael Corleone for a gaming license and Corleone puts him in his place by telling him, "My offer is nothing." Later in the movie, a drugged Geary winds up in bed with a dead prostitute. We could only hope that Dirty Harry Reid will meet the same fate some day. He's earned it.
Sadly, nothing new here. This can be filed under Too big to Fail and Too Big to Jail. I suppose it would take in this day and age a pretty dim-witted elected or appointed official, or you double crossed the wrong person to be prosecuted let alone convicted of crime.
Since the laws are created and signed on to by elected officials, I would suspect they are provided plenty of loop holes to escape any prosecution.
Our system is flawed. Three things pop into my mind to at least correct it. Campaign Finance Reform, Limitations on Lobbying and Term Limits.
"Corruption is as corruption does."
-The Democrat Machine
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