WRTV's Rafael Sanchez draws attention to a Facebook post made by Charlotte Lucas, wife of Lucas Oil's Forrest Lucas, in which she rants about minorities. Lucas, who currently serves as executive vice president of Lucas Oil Products, said she was "sick and tired of minorities running our country!" "As far as I'm concerned, I don't think that atheists (minority), muslims [sic] (minority) nor any other minority group has the right to tell the majority of the people in the United States what they can and cannot do here. Is everyone so scared that they can't fight back for what is right or wrong with his country?" Lucas confirmed to WRTV the words in the Facebook post were made by her:
"I was very upset when I wrote that," she said. "I will not elaborate other than to say that there are certain people who are trying to make the whole world eat what they want to eat and do what they want to do. I don't think it's any of their business what I put in my mouth. Thank you."Yeah, I guess she was trying to outdo the Colts' Jim Irsay in doing the walk of shame. Not the kind of things you want to say publicly when your name adorns the most visible public building in the state's capitol city.
UPDATE: A quick check around the dial shows WRTV's report as the only report on this matter in the traditional local media. It looks like the downtown mafia sent out a memo ordering this news story suppressed. Lucky for Charlotte.
Will the NFL demand that the Lucas name come off the Hoosierdome and that the media and all NFL outlets not refer to it as "Lucas Oil Stadium?"
GOOD for Her. PC is killing this Country along with the Permissiveness of the Progressives.
Guess she is DAMN lucky! Donald Sterling had to sell his team, Lucas could be made to take their name off the Lucas Oil Stadium. (Tip to anon 1105)
Hey Charlotte!!
Every time we buy some food and beverages we're paying a tithe to Irsay. I don't recall the majority of citizens being in favor of giving Irsay such a handout!
I would never tell anyone what they can put in their mouth and/or what they can eat,but in this case,I'll make an exception. I have a suggestion for Charlotte and it isn't exactly family friendly.
And...From this moment forward,I'm going to refer to Lucas Oil Stadium as Charlotte's Web.
The silence on our side is deafening resulting in the extreme wackiness going on. Good for her for speaking what most think and are afraid to say. No wonder things have run amok by the use of fear. So Charlotte Lucas let 'em yell.
Too bad Charlotte did not elaborate on, "Is everyone so scared that they can't fight back for what is right or wrong with his country?"
Maybe Mrs Lucas and Donald Silver can have a get together at Cliven Bundy's Ranch for a Seminar. I suppose at some point CNN, MSNBC or ESPN will run with the story.
The Circle City Classic is being played at Lucas Oil Stadium today. Not even Amos Brown has weighed in on the controversy yet.
Ok another Racist Pig......<> complaining ab blacks,,, muslims......dang she got money and her name on a stadium... and she is still evil.......<>
Blacks aren't going anywhere...although some of you racist people wish we were.......and leave the muslims alone...dang.<>
Just another local, new-monied white trash bimbo. From her rant, one would think ISIS is holding a knife to poor Charlotte's neck as she stuffs her face with pork sausages.
One of the reasons I read and admire your blog is that you really take your creed (at the top of your page) seriously; you are not afraid to call out either side. I am sure that she and Jim Irsay think that they
have earned every dime they have. Thanks for your reporting. It is remarkable that this is not widely known.
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