As more evidence emerges that Brian Williams not only repeatedly told a made-up story of being on a military helicopter that came under enemy fire during his coverage of the Iraq War after being corrected by colleagues and the soldiers present, more stories of fabrications in the past by Williams are emerging. His predecessor, Tom Brokaw, is reportedly telling folks that NBC News must fire Williams. The New Post says Williams had been counseled by colleagues on several occasions to stop telling the tale from Iraq over a several year period before he finally apologized to viewers this week. "Brokaw wants Williams’ head on a platter," an NBC source said. "He is making a lot of noise at NBC that a lesser journalist or producer would have been immediately fired or suspended for a false report." The report goes on to say that NBC executives have no plans to fire Williams, let alone discipline him.
Yesterday, in his excellent post:
"The Cowardly and Despicable American Pressitutes",
Paul Craig Roberts takes major offense and smacks around those presstitute colleagues of Williams who are smugly loudly accusing him. That includes Tom Brokaw.
Now now.... Brian Williams is an everyday guy who just happens to make $10 Million per year (the same amount that poor dear Ann Curry was paid).... these people make me vomit.... if a real Conservative, if a Tea Party individual told these stories, the left coast would be howling for severed heads....
Yes, these presstitutes & jour-nihilists provide info-taint-ment.
Williams pushed out Brokaw years ago. Ethical payback!
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