The high-flying Illinois Republican congressman, Aaron Schock, tells Politico he's unsure if his questionable congressional office and campaign spending crossed legal boundaries. The 33-year old congressman has already repaid the government tens of thousands of dollars he improperly billed taxpayers. "Well, I certainly hope not," Schock said. "I’m not an attorney." Schock told Politico in a face-to-face interview he does his "best" and takes his responsibility to comply with the law "seriously." "That’s what we can all do, is our best effort," Schock said. Spoken like the overly worshiped millennial he is.
Schock knows he's guilty as hell when he starts playing the "everyone else is doing" excuse for his actions. He complained that if reporters spent as much time digging into other members of Congress as they have him, they "could find a story to write about any member of Congress." Yes, after going out of his way to draw media attention to himself anyway he could, including stripping down to show off his six-pack chest, he's now whining that he's being unfairly targeted by the media.
Conservatives within the Republican Party long ago were turned off by Schock, who pretended to be a conservative when he first ran for Congress but has been anything but since he started casting votes. Not surprisingly, columnists for Redstate Blog and the National Review have already called on him to resign. Ironically, the likely benefactor if he resigns is State Sen. Darin LaHood, son of Schock's predecessor, U.S. Rep. Ray LaHood, who served as Transportation Secretary in the Obama administration and now works for Meridiam, the multi-national infrastructure firm that Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard awarded the bid to build a new criminal justice system for Marion County. Darin LaHood also works in Schock's congressional district office and is even more of a RINO than Schock.
Wouldn't surprise many that LaHood and insiders leaked this so his son could get the position. What took so long to report this and publicize this?
RE: 9:38 and the Turkish connections like Ersal. and the 9/11 connections locally....
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