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Monday, July 20, 2015
Question Of The Day: Why Did Ballard Administration Turn Away Alternative Electric Car Sharing Proposals

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Sounds like the ROC all over again. The site was selected for the ROC and whether it was needed or not or it was best site was immaterial to Crony-Capitalists. The ROC investigation seems to have fallen off the earth.
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for doggedly doing what many of our Councilors- some far too busy grandstanding and feathering their political nests with polyester plumage (hello, Zach!)- refuse to do. So the dolts on the Council (but I repeat myself) think "franchising" the illegal is acceptable. Geez...
Zach? Hello? Do you need a light up in there?
Gary, this is somewhat related to the crimes of crony interests ruining our city whereby a Ballard Admin guy apparently refused to entertain proposals from at least two other alternative coal-fueled- ahhh "electric"... car companies. The debate proving that this is not at all a proper municipal function will be left to another time.
A new report just issued by a leading personal finance site indicates Indianapolis rates near the very bottom (position 263!) in a list of 300 US cities when it comes to affordability for first time home buyers.
As a licensed real estate broker (ret.) with twenty-six years of residential sales experience with all the local large brokerages and national big box realty firms, this is no surprise to me. When the politicians took our property taxes to new highs incurring the wrath of Hoosiers, I predicted Indianapolis would never again enjoy the reputation of being a very affordable city in which to live when it came to buying and maintaining a home. Ballard made a bad situation dire by increasing any and every City fee and tax, and creating new ones, he possibly could. I take no pleasure in saying I was correct.
For all the vaunted changes of the corrupt Indianapolis mayors past and current [especially current], career politicians on the Council, the corrupt and shamelessly self-interested attorneys and politically connected law firms, the stink that comes from the Marion County GOP [and State GOP] and the Democrat Party machine, the predictable outcome is that Indianapolis is not in good fiscal condition and everyday hard-working Hoosiers find it ever more difficult to achieve the dream of home ownership.
The destruction of Indianapolis public safety and City quality of life continues and the fools on the Council now want to make corrupt Greg Ballard's illegal deals legitimate. I've watched over the decades as the producers fled Marion County. Now that the Marxist Obama has socialized the suburbs via his secrecy-shrouded Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule (AFFH) and our elected leaders stand silently, I can confidently predict more devastation is on the way.
Hat tip: 2015's Best and Worst Cities for First-Time Buyers
Hi Gary... Any chance you can reach out to the two slighted companies and get their take on what went down. I would love to know who they are and hear their perspective about what it's like to deal with our very own Chubby Marine.
To best determine cost of living, thinking citizens & relocation specialists, do COG calculations (Cost Of Government); to identify slamming & other statist schemes of dis-service / self service, posed as "public service;" escalators which erode income & quality of life.
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