A former on-air employee of WBDJ-TV in Roanoke, Virginia videotaped the killing of two of his former colleagues during a live broadcast on the TV station this morning. Vester Lee Flanagan, who used the on-air name Bryce Williams, has been identified as the shooter. Dead are reporter Alison Parker and TV cameraman Adam Ward. Flanagan uploaded the video he took to his Twitter account shortly after the shooting. Flanagan fled the scene and later committed suicide on I-66 in Virginia according to earlier news reports. Later news reports say Flanagan is still alive. Vicki Gardner, a local chamber of commerce official being interviewed by Parker at the time of the shooting was also shot in the attack but managed to survive. Flanagan accused Parker, who replaced him at the TV station, of making racial comments about him and for Ward reporting him to HR in a Twitter rant around the time of the shooting.
Suspected shooter Vester Flanagan, on-air name Bryce Williams, has posted this on Twitter: #WDBJ pic.twitter.com/y4rrcsQTwQ
— News2Share (@news_2_share) August 26, 2015
Absolutely. #whitelivesmatter.
What insanity these senseless murders are. And this when jobs are available, the stores are open and stocked, society is ongoing. Imagine what will happen when it all comes to a screeching halt.
Yeah, I find the "whitelivesmatter" just race-baiting and doesn't do anything to help stop the senseless taking of human life.
I have thought we will have some lunatic show up at our offices to go on a spree, but no one wants to listen to me when I say let's educate our people on active shooters. I know what to do: RUN, HIDE, FIGHT!
Was he motivated by the racial hatred Obama & his spiritual advisor Al Sharpton professed????
I feel so sorry for all three of the shooting victims of this hater, and for all the people forced to watch his cowardly act. This poor excuse for a man in his manifesto said that he purchased a gun and bullets to use to kill white people in retaliation for the alleged Charleston shooting of blacks by someone man who stated that he did that because he wanted to start a race war. Yes, I am among the many researchers who do not think that the first massacre even happened.
What has been Obama's public response to this racially motivated killing?
Yeah! Where's Obama to stand up for White People?
Taking down the Confederate Flag was a signal from Obama that White's are second-class citizens and that it's now open season on White People.
All Democrat candidates running for an elected office that have voiced ALL lives matter, have been shut down!
Whats that say about the racist thugs in Black lives matter?
Made sadder by the fact they were doing a hard-hitting investigative piece on a local Chamber of Commerce. Makes me wonder if the lake wanted more tourists and interest ...
"Anonymous Anonymous said...
All Democrat candidates running for an elected office that have voiced ALL lives matter, have been shut down!
Whats that say about the racist thugs in Black lives matter?
4:51 AM GMT-5"
I think that speaks more to the dem party than ghetto thuggery.
Note that the father of the news lady in the video said in interview was re gun control, not getting at the source of the issue, the mind of man, but blaming an inanimate object.
I am now wondering if NoDisinfo.com post of today is correct, "Absolute Proof that the Virginia TV Anchor Shooting is a Gun Control Zionist Plot."
Also today the NorthernTruthSeeker presents, "The Virginia Shooting is Fake! Another False Flag to Promote Gun Control in America."
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