The proof is in the numbers. Violent crime has skyrocketed during Mayor Greg Ballard's two terms in office despite the benefit of two different local income tax increases, both of which promised more police officers to combat crime, and a pledge by the mayor to make public safety job one. We quickly learned that campaign pledge was a lie. His number one priority like that of every mayor since the creation of UniGov has been to redirect hundreds of millions of dollars in new borrowing and spending to subsidize downtown development projects pushed by his campaign contributors. According to a Fox 59 News report, the number of homicides for the year has now reached 141, up 7% from last year. That number is approaching the 150 homicides the city experienced in 2005 under former Mayor Bart Peterson, the worst year for homicides during his two terms in office.
Black crime. Black homicides. Just like Chicago. Its a tale of two cities. 1 part San Francisco. Two parts Detroit. Spiraling violence on the south side, mostly black on black. Lovely suburbs North and Northwest. And no solutions. Indianapolis is going back to work, so you can't blame unemployment. There are plenty of jobs out there. This is just inner city crap, out of control, and all the preachers and deputy mayors for neighborhoods in the world aren't going to stop it. This is how Riggs will be judged. The murder rate every year. But I can tell you that in the white bars and white neighborhoods people could care less if the blacks shoot it out at each other. Its worrisome because its not that far away. But even my 80 year old mother says black lives don't seem to matter to black people or they wouldn't be shooting up their neighborhoods and their neighbors.
Another round of homicides over the weekend in Baltimore pushed the total number of killings this year to 336. Baltimore's population is approx 622,000 people, not very different from Indianapolis.
We will become more like Baltimore than Chicago - karma
go Colts
What I hear folks saying is that this is a fairly safe place if it were not for the Blacks. No doubt, looking squarely at the facts would make one out to be a racist since one cannot point out things like naked emperors. It is thought better by our media to remain in the stupid corner with a dunce cap entitled, "judge not". The main error, however, is a refusal to judge and to condemn these feral animals and thus sit back and leave their pathologies to just the one repressive force in society, the police.
The enemies of the public, aka liberals, have promoted the policies that do not punish "juveniles", that compel the absence of Black men from child centered welfare(so as to bust up the family),and view divorce or never being married as a benefit to society and thus promote the increases noted by Senator Moynihan in 1965 and ignored by the pathetic black leadership of that era and since....the white controlled NAACP being a particular public enemy. Social science will tell you all you need to know about the behavior of bastards. Skin color does not alter that behavior much, if at all-let the scientists speak frankly and in public then and let's hear what bastards are, do, and behave.
Ultimately, fornication is a sin against society because of the costs of bastardy. All this so called sexual revolution isn't anything new to the human race-it has seen bastards and social costs of bastardy many times and in wiser times repressed and suppressed those costs without whining about police. Social issues have social costs. Stencil such on the foreheads of lawmakers.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank IMPD for their full support to toss out the old mayor, who just happen to have saved their pensions with the increase of the county option income tax, for Ballard who would not have had a chance for mayor without their full support.
IMPD, you bought it, you own it. Hope you enjoy your decision!!
There is no doubt about it. Fake Republican 'Bought and Paid For' Greg Ballard is the very worst person to have held the Indianapolis Mayor's Chair in decades.
The. Worst. EVER.
Homicides will get worse in Indy. Hoosiers will not and have not put forth the resources in the criminal justice system to address crime. Indy is no exception. The Colts, Pacers, electric cars and parking meters are more of a concern the crime, public education and social decline.
11:42..."..not put forth the resources in the criminal justice system.." I recall hearing once that public safety accounts for 91% of the city's budget. Would 92% make us safer?
These comments are representative of what I see and hear on the streets of Indy. It's why crime has gotten to the point it has. It's why it isn't going to get better. It's black on black crime in every city, not just here, but other cities seem to want to do something about it. We accept it. Our city is segregated. Just stay out of "those" neighborhoods, right? That attitude has to change before things will improve here. I hope they do. I won't be here to see it, but I hope they do.
Not only do I stay out of those neighborhoods, I stay out of Marion county.
The Irony here is that Indianapolis has been Baltimore's sister city for a long time now. Where do you think the "Community Policing" model came from?
Baltimore is also a LIARberal sanctuary city (aka RICO interstate human trafficking)
Gary, do you know how many police officers were added to the ranks (net) since Peterson's income tax increase? With 80-90% of city taxes allegedly going to public safety I don't understand where the hell all the money goes.
Relax everyone, that shiny new $1B+ criminal justice center on the horizon will fix all of our problems.
The short answer, anon 11:10, is easy to explain. There have been no real net increase in the number of police officers hired following either of the last two tax increases. A large spike in homicide rates occurs in cycles, almost on cue to convince the public a tax increase is needed. Soon after the tax increases are enacted, there a new contract with the firefighers and police that provides significant, short-term bumps in their pay. Add in other increasing costs and it takes most of the increased revenues just to keep pace with the current police and firefighter forces. It doesn't help when the property tax base continues to be decimated by ever-expanding TIF districts and generous tax abatements.
What do you mean "a large spike in homicide rates occurs in cycles, almost on cue to convince the public a tax increase is needed." That seems to imply some conspiracy to artificially inflate homicide numbers to justify tax increases, which isn't true.
Go study the homicide stats, fact checker. When Goldsmith was mayor, the rate spiked dramatically to 162 in 1998, the highest rate ever, before falling off sharply. The rate spiked up again to 150 in 2006 during Bart Peterson's administration. It then fell over the next several years dramatically to less than 100 at one point before spiking upwards sharply last year to more than 130 and now topping 140 this year. It's running in cycles of about every 8 years where the homicide rate tops out at near records highs before experiencing a number of years of decline before surging upwards dramatically again.
Dirty little secret time......The crime RATE is worse than you think in Indy. The City (IPD/MCSD//IMPD) hav been using the crimes reported to IMPD and the population of all of Marion County (this includes Speedway, Lawrence, Beech Grove etc). This makes the crime rates lower in Indy. Goldsmith caught this error during his term but did not dare adjust or correct in fear of losing his position and federal dollars. The population in 2010 according to the US Census was roughly 903,000. The crime RATE is actually higher in Indy. The population is the IMPD service area, not all of Marion County. And Riggs has been aware of this faux pax.
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