It looks like a campaign bumper sticker for Eric Miller, the unsuccessful GOP gubernatorial candidate from the 2004 Indiana Republican primary. But it's actually just another nonpartisan election briefing Advance America plans to hold in Goshen, Indiana on September 28, 2006. Miller will be on hand, along with six "special guests." And they are: Rep. Matthew Bell (R); Rep. Bill Ruppel (R); Rep. Marlin Stutsman (R); Rep. John Ulmer (R); Rep. Jackie Walorski; and Rep. candidate Jeremy Hiler (R). What do they all have in common? Yes, they're all Republicans.
We caught you again, Eric, abusing your nonprofit status by engaging in partisan politics. It's just like all your events. The candidates are all Republicans, and the discussion is focused on partisan issues and get-out-the-vote efforts for partisan purposes. Is anyone at the IRS watching? Is anyone at the Justice Department watching? Inquiring minds want to know.
And by the way Eric, is this your campaign theme for your 2008 primary rematch against Gov. Mitch Daniels?
This is a subject that warrants the level of intensity of passion that we're seeing in the ugly, playground 'bitch fighting' on the Carson/Dickerson posts.
Stay on this, AI, let's hope you can prompt some interest somewhere.
This man is true evil.
Posts by AI on this subject puts Gary on the side of the angels ...
You know what would really gall Eric?
E-mail him and tell him yo're praying for him to be enlightened.
If enough people do it it'll confuse the heck out of him.
And contact the IRS to complain about his 501 (c)3 status.
Does this mean he only has 4 values?
1. Hate
2. Intolerance
3. Self-righteousness
4. Hate
Hm.. good question...
I'd say his Four Values are
1. Intolerance -- towards gays, other religions and anyone who would use tax money for public schools
2. Self-righteousness - because only He knows the Way
3. Power -- for the powerful, beause we all know only white evangelical MEN know what needs to be done-- for the benevolence of the rest of us
4. Money - which gets him #3 and keeps his supporters in line as he continues to line his pockets...
Anyone else wanna take up the challenge?
Gary--can you just block him?
I don't understand why the IRS hasn't gotten onto this organization. Is there not an attorney here who is willing to personally bring this to the IRS's attention? You better believe that if the shoe was on the other foot...........
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