Sen. Evan Bayh endorsed and campaigned with Andre Carson during the 7th District special election. His attention following Carson's special election win has been focused on making sure that Sen. Hillary Clinton wins this Tuesday's Indiana Democratic presidential primary. A Dr. Woody Myers campaign flier which began arriving in mailboxes this weekend gives the impression Sen. Bayh is now backing Myers. Has something changed?
Nice looking campaign piece. If he does endorse Dr. Myers I will change my opinion on Evan. Until then he is worthless for shoving Andre down the throats of the people of Marion County.
If Evan Bayh did endorse Woody Myers, then he will never receive a vote from my family again.
I just checked and Evan Bayh did NOT endorse Woody Myers. He made a nice comment about him and now Woody is trying to make it appear as if it is an endorsement. Woody only sent the mailers to majority black zip codes. Not only is Woody playing the fake endorsement card but now he is playing the race card. Bayh needs to immediately disaavow this fake endorsement.
artfuggins/wilson? whatever or whomever you are. If he didn't endorse Woody, one of the several qualified people seeking election then my prior sentiment to vote against him for relection to the Senate or election to even Dog Catcher of Indiana stands. When he and Andy put "Seed" up as the best qualified of the million plus of us in central Indiana then I lost all respect for them.
We asked for permission from Senator Bayh to use that quote on that mailer and his chief of staff and his communications director, along with the Senator himself all signed off on it before we sent that. We sent it out to the entire district, not just to majority black zip codes like wilson's alter ego artfuggins claims. I got one in the mail out here in Oaklandon (46236) which is by far not a majority black ZIP code.
Vote Woody Myers!
then someone in Bayh office is talking out of both sides of his/her mouth. I said the mailer did NOT go to black precincts so the fact that you as a Myers Staffer received one in Oaklandon does nothing to prove my statement that it was mailed only into white areas .
I'd like to find out where Art thinks those "majority black zip codes" are. There aren't many in the city.
Um.... Art...
artfuggins said...
I just checked and Evan Bayh did NOT endorse Woody Myers. He made a nice comment about him and now Woody is trying to make it appear as if it is an endorsement. Woody only sent the mailers to majority black zip codes. Not only is Woody playing the fake endorsement card but now he is playing the race card. Bayh needs to immediately disaavow this fake endorsement.
5:10 PM EST
You clearly said Woody sent the mailers to black-majority zip codes.
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