Last Friday, President Obama announced that he would be sending no troops to Iraq to counteract the insurgency of radical Islamist terrorists known as ISIS, who the U.S. originally trained and armed to overthrow the Assad government with his full support. During an extended Father's Day weekend in California where the President attended a political fundraiser and played some more rounds of golf, he had a change of heart. Yesterday, he announced he would send troops to Iraq after all. The President assures us that the 275 troops equipped for combat are only there to provide security to U.S. diplomats and embassy personnel. As things spiral out of control in the Middle East largely because of our own failed policies, the government-run media is doing all it can to shift Americans' attention to the World Cup in Brazil where the U.S. beat a team from the impoverished country of Ghana in a preliminary match so we can watch pathetic sports nuts chant "USA." In other news, Rome burns.

Is it the pathetic sports nuts who were polled by Rasmussen for its report that as of Friday, 47% of Americans approve of the job Obama is doing as president. On Father's Day, VidRebel posted:
"Obama the Destroyer. A Tale of Two Nations."
Right on Gary, how dare the President provide soldiers to protect the embassy that cost American taxpayers more than a billion to construct. As well, it houses thousands of American citizens including many diplomats.
BTW, if your sarcasm meter didn't go off after reading that statement, you should probably check the battery.
If the concern is for the safety of the embassy folks, then an evacuation is in order. That embassy was already more fortified than virtually any other American embassy in the world. If it's too unsafe, pull them out. Two hundred fifty combat troops aren't enough to protect against insurgents armed with shoulder-launched missiles, helicopters and whatever other military vehicles they've already gotten their hands on after the Iraqi security forces bailed. Any American citizen who remains in a country engulfed in a civil war does so at their own risk.
Where do we go to get our money back from the disasterous Iraqi incursion. Should we ask George W "the idiot king" Bush, Paul Bremer, Paul Wolfowitz or who. How about Budget Director Daniels, who estimated that we could get in and out for $100 million? Hey we just lost $10 Billion worth of weaponry that our Iraqi friends just laid down to ISIS. Obama may be partially to blame for the fiasco, but this is largely the Bush Administration's fault.
Bush, Cheney, Clinton, Obama, Biden, Powell, Kerry, take your pick. They all work for the same New World Order masters. The Rs and Ds behind their names are simply part of a game they play to fool the American people into believing they represent differing political views. They've been working against the average American citizen for more than a century; our people are just collectively too ignorant to understand what's happening around them.
And how tragic is it that the majority of Americans do not question the type of people the State Department and the CIA are hiring!!!!
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