Colts owner Jim Irsay treated fans who showed up to the Colts training camp in Anderson this morning to $100 bills. Is he trying to explain to doubters why he was carrying $29,000 in cash on him when Carmel police pulled him over for operating a vehicle while intoxicated with a large stash of various prescription pills on him?
This is just a sad attempt to buy public opinion. The other day it was “the Colts” standing up for a photo op with Greg Zoeller to fight prescription drug abuse. Irsay hasn’t been charged with a crime yet but already he’s trying to buy the jury. He probably has a slick lawyer and an even slicker public relations team. But even with all his money he seems very troubled. I remember how Howard Hughes ended up at the end and it was weird and paranoid and as far from happy as you can get.
If Irsay is passing out money, how about he returns some of the tax money that The Colts have received in any of the many forms?
A man who robs from the rich and the poor to give to random people. He's still on drugs, obviously,
Irsay would probably not have that money to pass around if were not for all the taxes collected and laundered through the CIB to build him a Stadium. Irsay lives large because of the Corporate Welfare system.
Irsay's passing out of $100 bills is so insulting on so many levels. Jim Irsay a friend of the "Proles." Is this the face of "Trickle Down" Economics??? Is it a Public Relations Stunt trying to establish his bona fides as generous person, which provides a reason for all the cash on hand Irsay had when he was stopped by the Police.
With a little bit of imagination, you can picture our political establishment crowding around Irsay for some Campaign Donations or tickets to a Colt's Game.
He's handing out other people's money, given to him by the hapless taxpayers.
He's not, but should be, ashamed. So should the nitwits with the grasping hands in the picture. It's a picture of thieves sharing the loot.
Anon 2:30 called that Right-On!!!
Irsay's actions are a similie: those who find an armored car destroyed by an explosive device and then taking the contents of other people's money!
Actually, I believe that according to the contract, any pre-game activities, promotions, etc. are paid for by the tax payers.
So actually, those were YOUR $100 bills.
The CIB continues to bill taxpayers for improvements at LOS that could and should be paid by Irsay so, in a round about way, it is our money that he is giving away.
Creepy act.
The only reason I still watch pro football is the Colts....but I am starting to question that too. A desperate attempt to sway public opinion the way I see it. Sad.
Absolutely adorable to see trickle-down economics actually in play.
Well done, Mr. Irsay, all is forgiven.
BTW, if your sarcastic meter did not go off after reading the above, you'd best be checking the battery.
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