Jeb Bush on graduation day with his grandfather, Sen. Prescott Bush, a chief financier of the Nazis as head of Union Banking Corporation, crimes for which he could have been prosecuted for aiding the enemy in time of war. |
The Boston Globe
paints a less than flattering portrait of John Ellis ("Jeb") Bush during his prep school days at the elitist Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts, the same prep school his presidential father and older brother, George W. Bush, attended. Although Bush completed the 9th grade in Houston, he started the ninth grade over again at Phillips Academy where his daddy was a trustee. Classmates describe him as a bit of a bully who didn't take his studies very seriously, didn't care much about politics or the Vietnam War and liked smoking pot regularly.
Jeb, as he was known, should have been an easy fit in that elite and ivied world. His much-accomplished father and his older brother had both gone to Andover; no one was surprised that Jeb had followed suit.
But this Bush almost ran aground in those first, formative prep school days. He bore little resemblance to his father, a star on many fronts at Andover, and might have been an even worse student than brother George. Classmates said he smoked a notable amount of pot — as many did — and sometimes bullied smaller students.
Resolutely apolitical despite his lineage, he refused to join the Progressive Andover Republicans club and often declined even to participate in informal bull sessions with classmates. In a tumultuous season in American life, he seemed to his peers strangely detached and indifferent.
“He was just in a bit of a different world,” said Phil Sylvester, who said he was a Bush roommate. While other students “were constantly arguing about politics and particularly Vietnam, he just wasn’t interested, he didn’t participate, he didn’t care.”
Meanwhile, his grades were so poor that he was in danger of being expelled, which would have been a huge embarrassment to his father, a member of Congress and of the school’s board of trustees.
One of Jeb's more famous classmates was New England Patriots head coach Bill Belichick, who declined to be interviewed for the story. Bush acknowledged drinking alcohol and smoking pot while attending the school. "I drank alcohol and I smoked marijuana when I was at Andover," Bush said, both of which could have led to expulsion. "It was pretty common." The reporter comes close to getting an admission by one of his classmates, who got kicked out of school for drug use, that Bush was a drug dealer on campus. Peter Tibbetts' first experience getting stoned was in Jeb's dorm room:
“The first time I really got stoned was in Jeb’s room," Tibbetts said. "He had a portable stereo with removable speakers. He put on Steppenwolf for me." As the rock group’s signature song, "Magic Carpet Ride," blared from the speakers, Tibbetts said he smoked hash with Bush.
He said he once bought hashish from Bush but stressed, in a follow-up e-mail, "Please bear in mind that I was seeking the hash. It wasn’t as if he was a dealer, though he did suggest I take up cigarettes so that I could hold my hits better, after that first joint."
His classmates' recollection of him being a bully didn't ring true to him. "Bush said in the interview that he has no recollection of this or other bullying incidents raised by classmates," "He said he never viewed himself as a bully." "I don’t believe that is true," he said, referring to classmates' recollections of specific incidents. "It was 44 years ago and it is not possible for me to remember."
The Greatriots are World Champions, again!
All of Indianapolis is bitter and deflated.
Now I know why Jeb Bush regularly makes such moronic statements about anything political, anything immigration, anything at all. The soft and pudgied Jeb is low watt. Never found the guy to be an intellect and this information squares perfectly.
Just as with Chuck Brewer, should Jeb Bush be successfully shoved down my throat as the party candidate in the Fall 2016 election I am staying home. I can't bring myself to vote for any more Democrats (they lie just as much) and I will never vote for another Bush- especially this one. Indy has far more talent than Chuck Brewer... and Hogsett.
I have better things to do on a November election day than vote for either of these choices who apparently haven't the brains God gave a pencil tip.
Isn't it odd! There is more information in this article about Jeb Bush than the American people have learned about Barrack Obama after EIGHT YEARS!
You'll never learn who the real Barack Obama is until you learn his real name and real parents, both of which have been concealed from the American public. I'm certain the Barack Obama from Kenya is not his biological father. I'm not sure of his biological mother, but I believe she is probably still alive and is most likely Jewish. A Jo Ann Newman a/k/a Elizabeth Ann Duke is one possibility.
CSee at 8:05-- There is always more information and more truthful information on Advance Indiana than just about anywhere else. That's why many of us come here first.
I have no problem with reporters doing the kind of research this Boston Globe reporter did on a would-be president. I think the American people are entitled to know as much about a potential president as possible. Barack Obama became the first person ever elected president whose entire life story was off limits. We were told to accept the self-serving auto-biography someone else wrote for him that is chocked full of outright fabrications. Anyone who independently tried to learn other information about him was immediately dubbed a racist. Presidential candidates only tell you what they want you to know about them. Curiously, it is next to impossible to find people to discuss Obama who attended school with him--at the exclusive prep school Punayou in Honolulu, Occidental or Columbia. These were all small schools where most students knew a little about their fellow classmates. It's easy for reporters to find people who knew Jeb at Phillips Academy. Try finding people who went to high school with Barack Obama who will talk about him. The one kid who tried to talk about him during the 2008 campaign was smeared by the media as a bad apple with a criminal record and an ax to grind.
Gary, I had never heard the Jo Ann Newman angle. I always thought his birth story was on the up-and-up, with the real story being he was the CIA choice that made it with his mom working for the CIA-front Ford Foundation under Tim Geithner's dad.
Both Obama and his mother worked for the CIA, and both had multiple aliases. When his mother worked in Indonesia, it is true she worked for the Ford Foundation, which was run at the time by Timothy Geitner's father. The Ford Foundation has a history of employing CIA operatives. If you work for the CIA, it can manufacture false identities for you, including birth certificates, passports, driver's licenses, social security numbers, you name it. There were multiple social security numbers used by Ann Dunham, his reputed mother. Her reputed second husband, Lolo Soetoro, worked for the Union Oil Company and was in all likelihood a CIA operative as well. The social security number used by Barack Obama was originally issued to someone else residing in the state of Connecticut. His selective service record was forged, which has been proven by a long-time employee of the agency. The fact that the mainstream media chooses to ignore these facts does not make them untrue.
You mean President Frank Marshall Davis Jr?
I don't know if Davis is his real father, but he had more of a relationship with Obama than the Kenyan. His mother instructed the grandparents to have Barry visit Davis at least once a week while they were raising him in Hawaii, and Davis wrote in his book that he had sex with a teen-aged white girl in Hawaii named Ann. There are also pornographic images of a young white woman Davis took during that time period who looks strikingly similar to the woman presented as his mother.
Prove it Gary...the Cia connection..And then let's talk about the BMV, Fssa, Trips abroad with politicos...The cover up of 9/11
Maria Tia Pope went to high school in Hawaiia with nasty Obama, and in recorded interviews, which can be found on the internet, she has reported very disturbing eye-witness stories about his repulsive behavior and appearance there, and her and his classmates belief that he was a foreign student. Two of of these interviewers about whom I know and have heard are Jeff Rense and Pastor Marable Manning. She also had made available her phone number for questions, although she says she is frightened of possible repercussions for her disclosures.
Maria Tia Pope, who has repeatedly given recorded interviews about going to high school in Hawaia with Barry, she alleges that she and others there thought was a foreign student. Her taped stories include details of sinister repulsive behavior by him demonstrating very bad character on his part. Two of the interviews I have heard on line, were by Jeff Rense and Pastor Marable Manning. She has also given out her phone number so that the public can contact her, although she has said that she does harbor fears that she will suffer repercussions for her disclosures about him.
One thing about Obama's election - it sure brought the racists out of the woodwork.
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