The darling of the national Republican Party establishment, U.S. Rep. Aaron Schock (R-IL), has thrown in the towel and is calling it quits after an onslaught of media reports exposed his corrupt expenditure of public tax dollars and campaign funds, while being the beneficiary of sweetheart business deals involving his campaign donors. Schock's announcement came as Politico peppered Rep. Schock with more questions about questionable billings by his congressional office for travel expenses. Politico released the following statement from Congressman Schock's office:
"Today, I am announcing my resignation as a Member of the United States House of Representatives effective March 31," Schock said in a statement. "I do this with a heavy heart. Serving the people of the 18th District is the highest and greatest honor I have had in my life. I thank them for their faith in electing me and letting me represent their interests in Washington. I have given them my all over the last six years. I have traveled to all corners of the District to meet with the people I’ve been fortunate to be able to call my friends and neighbors."
"But the constant questions over the last six weeks have proven a great distraction that has made it too difficult for me to serve the people of the 18th District with the high standards that they deserve and which I have set for myself. I have always sought to do what’s best for my constituents and I thank them for the opportunity to serve," he said in a statement.Look for State Sen. Darin LaHood, a certified RINO, Schock congressional staffer and son of former U.S. Rep. Ray LaHood and one-time Obama Secretary of Transportation, to quickly jump into the race to succeed him. Many suspect the LaHoods were instrumental in the orchestrated effort to take out the high-flying Schock. The big question is whether the feds will bring criminal charges against Schock, which should be pretty easy to make out based on recent news reports. His actions certainly rival those of former U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr., who the feds sent to prison on campaign finance-related charges.
Note to Indiana State House media: Is there a single one of you capable of doing investigative journalism any more?
UPDATE: Schock's political body was still warm when State Sen. Darin LaHood jumped into the race--less than 24 hours after Schock's resignation announcement. Operation Schock And Awe undertaken by the LaHood Gang and Team Obama proved quite effective in reaching its ends. The future for Schock could be tough. He's got a lot of damning information on some very powerful people, but those same people have the means to lock him up for a long time like former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich. A tell-all book about how he was a victim beginning at a very early age may be a problematic road to redemption for Schock.
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Former Gov. Rod Blagojevich left with Schock (CapitolFax.com Photo) |
Recall that LaHood's father, the former congressman of this district and Obama Transportation Secretary, now works for the multi-national infrastructure firm, Meridiam, which was awarded the bid to build the new Marion Co. Criminal Justice Center as a result of an extremely corrupt process. LaHood works with another former top Transportation person, Jane Garvey, who recently came to town to push this corrupt deal. These people want to put as many public assets in this country into the hands of their corrupt cabal as possible. There's little doubt in my mind that this Operation Schock And Awe was executed by the LaHood family and Obama operatives to put this seat back into the LaHood family's control so they can engage in more feather nesting just like the old man did during his many years as a congressman and before that as top aide to former House Republican Minority Leader Robert Michel, who held this seat prior to Ray LaHood.
Not much help coming from comments Schock's father made to a reporter:
"2 years from he'll be successful, if he's not in jail." -Rep. Aaron Shock's father tells ABC7 http://t.co/xMMk6pwngZ pic.twitter.com/bE2WISrGnv
— Ben Bradley (@BenBradleyABC7) March 18, 2015
MORE FROM AARON SCHOCK'S FATHER: "In his heart he's always wanted to do what was right and what was good and he got a little careless."
— Ben Bradley (@BenBradleyABC7) March 18, 2015
WHY DID HIS SON RESIGN? "He doesn't want to go on, he doesn't want to bring [supporters] into courts & have them be subpoenaed & everything"
— Ben Bradley (@BenBradleyABC7) March 18, 2015
What a stooge -- this guy is a veritable cliche about a politician going to Washington and being totally ethically challenged and corrupted.....the latest episode about him filing for mileage claims far in excess of the actual mileage on his car was the icing on the cake....I am reminded of various Indiana politicos over the years who got caught up in similar ethical transgressions -- sam turpin, harold negly, chip edwards....dim wits all
I think he was corrupt long before he made it into congress, 4:35. So who's this bozo going to work as an overpaid lobbyist for?
Ahhh, the Chicago Way of politics.... get rid of your opponents by any means necessary so that YOU can rise to power. US Constitution hater and socialist Barak Obama used methods similar to the LaHoods...
in one hundred percent of Barak Obama's political races he sought to snoop into the private lives of his opponents and to use that information against them- and it worked. Even if the so-called "dirt" was from SEALED divorce proceedings, proceedings often filled with acrimony and angst during a tough time for the litigants.
Obama henchmen worked to open sealed court records and use inside sources to have that "dirt" splayed all over complicit crony "news" organization pages thus knocking off political opponents. Polls during those times strongly indicated those political dirty tricks allowed the Commander in Chief of Proved Fake Birth Certificates to take political seats he probably never could have won of his own "talent" and accord.
Doubt that liberal Democrats are power-mad and hell bent on getting what they want even if the public majority says, "NO"? Go look these names up and read all about it: Blair Hull, Jack Ryan, Mitt Romney (where the useful stooge wasn't so much Axelrod as it was Harry Reid).
Why are you defending this loser? Just because a RINO is next in line, you would rather have this waste of oxygen in office?
I'm not defending Schock. He cooked his own goose. There are lots of corrupt elected officials in this country. Only some are prosecuted, and there's usually a back story to the prosecution. I believe an informed public should know the back story as well to put events into context.
How the hell RhondaLeeBaby69 got the idea Gary Welsh was defending Schock is beyond me. And anyone who reads this blog faithfully would never believe Welsh is fond of RINO's ... for any reason. Gary, keep up the great work. Those of us who can read sure appreciate your efforts at getting the truth out.
At least he will still get his pension.
Got to love those lawmakers whose sole purpose is to advance laws that protect themselves.
Not if he's prosecuted and convicted.
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