The New York Post's Edward Klein claims top presidential adviser Valerie Jarrett is behind the leaking of information about Hillary Clinton's use of a private e-mail account during her tenure as Secretary of State. "It's the vast left-wing conspiracy," Klein said, echoing Clinton's words of a vast right-wing conspiracy when her husband's Monica Lewinsky scandal erupted. Klein also claims the State Department was ordered by Jarrett to launch a number of investigations of Clinton's tenure at the department, including the use of her expense account, the disbursement of funds, her contact with foreign leaders and her possible collusion with the Clinton Foundation. A total of six probes of Clinton are underway at the State Department according to Klein.
Klein claims a source close to Bill Clinton said he told him that the Obama White House is feeding negative rumors about the former first couple to members of the media. "The Obamas are out to get us any way they can," the Clinton friend quoted Bill Clinton as saying. According to Klein's sources, the Obama White House is accusing the Clintons of trying to marginalize Obama and attempting to wrestle control of the Democratic Party away from them. The Clintons claim Jarrett has been holding secret meetings with former Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) to offer them the support of the White House if they challenge Clinton for the Democratic nomination in 2016. No honor among thieves?
I have no affection or respect for Valerie Jarrett... but this power-mad elitist left liberal female snake turns the tables on the Clintons' "war room" and focuses every dirty political trick possible against America's political parasites- the Clintons but exposing Hillary and Bill via leaks to the press. It seems there is no honor among thieves and very little among liberal socialist Democrats as well.
Bill and Hillary... how does it feel to be the target of slung mud... even if the mud carries truth?
Wait, is Warren eligible? I thought the highest office a Native like herself could aspire to is Chief.
Eric Morris makes a great point about Fauxahontas Lizzie Warren.... who, BTW, has a personal wealth of at least $8 Million. Amazing how wealthy so many of these Western society socialist politicians are...
The Clinton family is mired in ethical failure. From the "I did not have sexual relations with that" girl intern....that got him Impeached and proved that he did have sexual realtions with that intern ...to Hillary's: I did not have classified relations with my private email server. It is not possible that a Secretary of State can have totally unclassified email.
I'm sure The Clintons are the topic of multiple courses in ethics, specifically their own unethical conduct, being held across the country.
Liars, deceivers, and failures...The Clinton's are mired in failure, deception, lies, and corruption.
Just theorizing out loud - suppose BHO comes out later this year or next year and endorses someone for the nomination - whether it be Fauxahontas or the Maryland Thief Chief O'Malley. Assuming Hillary goes all the way to the end and even appear to be on her way to the nomination - would VJ employ another Sirhan Sirhan to make sure BHO gets his nominee in November?
The Bushes, Clintons and Obamas are all playing on the same team. Public disagreements are all for show. No assassination worries since their masters are the ones who carry out all of the assassinations in this country. Don't ever forget that these bastards were responsible for JFK Jr's plane crash to block him from taking that New York Senate seat away from Hillary just like they murdered JFK, RFK and came close to knocking off Reagan. IF any candidate for the 2016 race meets an unfortunate fate, it won't be a Bush or a Clinton.
May the enemies of America always be divided. And at each other's throats.
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