If you're one of those rallying against Indiana's RFRA law, Advance Indiana thought you should see the woman who has orchestrated the statewide and now national attack in the media against it in an effort to villainize anyone of faith, in particular those of the Christian faith. Meet Katie Blair. The idea of recasting RFRA as short-hand for all things anti-gay was her brainchild. In this role she has found more success than gaining supporters for government-funded abortions to all women on demand in her former role as director of activism for Planned Parenthood of Indiana. A few months after leaving her next job at the state Democratic Party as director of the 51% Club, she became advocacy coordinator for the ACLU of Indiana. See Blair speaking at this State House rally for Planned Parenthood of Indiana in 2011. The ACLU, incidentally, supported the original federal law signed into law by President Bill Clinton in 1993.
Two questions:
1) Who pays her salary? If the ACLU does then the ACLU can't have it both ways.
2) Where did dhe receive her training on how to use social media in a domectic form of a Color Revolution.
Katie Blair is not someone who is ideology driven. She is a professional protester, much like those who "swarmed" Ferguson and to some extent Occupy. She has been educated in advanced skills of manipualating social media as advanced and taught by Gene Sharp.It would be wrong to assume that Katie Blair is not being groomed for foreign deployment.
The true local LGBT community has been caused severe harm by allowing this fraud to hijack their organization.
It seems some people want special laws for special people, not the same laws for all people. You know, think hate crimes and protected classes. This murder is more heinous than that murder because of the epithets used. Special laws for special people. As far as equality, everyone has the same "right" as anyone else, any man can marry any woman willing to get married.
Be that as it may, eventually people will marry animals, fathers their daughters or sons, etc etc, and if you're against those but support "gay" marriage, then you're a hate filled hypocritical bigot.
I love how she uses the Katy Perry line, "Haters are going to hate," to characterize people who oppose abortion. Is it possible to oppose abortion and not be a hater? This is what bothers me about liberals. They preach tolerance, but they are completely intolerant of people who hold differing views. They always have to impugn their motives in the worst of ways.
I seldom agree with Abdul-Hakim Shabazz, but he's right on the RFRA and Indiana.
"[I]t doesn’t matter what the law actually says, it’s what people think it means."
And what it means is big trouble for Indiana.
Those who place convenience over human life are somehow "lovers," while those who see it otherwise are "haters?" Is it possible to be Kate Perry & not be an idiot?
Anon. 7:51, Are you and Abdul telling us there really is no way out of the Church of Scientology?
34,000 churches of a single Christian denomination, don't share Blair's opinion: http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/03/29/34k-black-and-latino-churches-cut-ties-with-presbyterian-usa-after-same-sex-marriage-approval/
Anon. 6:24, Good point, but it was Taylor Swift's song, "Shake It Off" from which the line "haters are going to hate" comes.
"her former role as director of activism for Planned Parenthood of Indiana"
Planned Parenthood is wasting donor dollars and is diverting their efforts from their self-advertising innocuous activities to engage in "activism?"
Planned Parenthood has some explaining to do. It seems they've been lying about not having an agenda.
"I seldom agree with Abdul-Hakim Shabazz, but he's right on the RFRA and Indiana."
Abdul is never right. If he doesn't like the law, he can return to Illinois which also has the law.
Abdul is a leftover Mitch Daniels' troll. Mitch hated any social agenda and just wanted to focus on making him and his friends rich.
The only social agenda the Mitch/Abdul Republicans cared about was screwing the poor so the rich could get richer.
The Mitchies are out. Social issues are back in play in Indiana after being suppressed for eight years.
It goes back before Swift (obviously, since 2011 was before Swift's song).
The bible says the best book of fiction ever written
You did not complete your sentence, nor did you punctuate correctly.
Your sentence should say: "The Bible says the best book of fiction ever written is" and then it should give the name of what the Bible says is the best book of fiction ever written. You left that part out. You also erred in punctuating correctly, as you did not put a period at the end of your sentence.
As you get older, you will discover that being understood is mostly your responsibility. Do your parents know you're skipping your English homework and messing with grown-up stuff? Your ambition is admirable, but "too much too soon" can lead to unwanted consequences.
You all just don't get it. Even if this woman were single handedly reponsible for every single society shaping effort behind objection to this law, none of that effort would have been successful if her message had not resonated with a broad swath of the American people.
Unfortunately, in the case of abortion, a broad swath of unborn children do NOT resonate with her message.
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