Perhaps someone should ask our former federal prosecutor and mayor-elect why his office sat on evidence Jared Fogle was molesting underage girls and boys for years. The Florida whistle blower wore a wire for the FBI for four and a half years before it finally arrested him this past summer and the U.S. Attorney's Office in Indianapolis formally charged him. Rochelle Hermann-Walrond, the whistle blower, asked herself the question many times: "Why was it taking so long?" That's a question our local news media would never ask of Hogsett. He likes bragging about cracking down on persons sexually exploiting children, but his record is not what it appears.
"I would fly us clear across the world if we need to," Fogle boasted to Hermann-Walrond in a recorded conversation. "To Thailand or wherever we want to go . . . If we’re gonna try to get some young kids with us it would be a lot easier . . . I had a little boy. It was amazing. It just felt so good. I mean, it felt — it felt so good."Hermann-Walrond estimates Fogle abused more than 14 children. Yet the plea deal federal prosecutors reached with Fogle would allow him to serve time for as little as five years for paying to have sex with two underage girls. No surprise. One of Hogsett's best friends, Joe "The Popper King" Miller, molested young boys for years and ran an illegal drug business that made him a multi-millionaire before he finally took his own life. Hogsett cared more about the big money his friend contributed to him and the Democratic Party than the lives of the children he destroyed.
WRTV's Rafael Sanchez is sitting on information about Fogle's buddies Why?
We need to keep pulling the thread on this garment.
I'm telling you guys, pedophilia goes up to the top echelons of the political elites.
Supposedly Roger Stone touches on some of it in his book coming out in January called "Bush Crime Family"
Thanks for this reporting. Hogsett is disgusting, and we should really keep an eye on the chain of succession to the Mayor, as Hogsett has some very dirty laundry.
There's rumor around that Evan and Joe were, um, close.
All of these wealthy elites have sex with kids. The United States and its worldwide allies are controlled by Godless people who sacrifice other humans for sport and profit. Stanley Kubrick's last movie, "Eyes Wide Shut," was his final parting message about the people who run the world. That movie is loaded with coded messages about the Illuminati. That's probably why he died prematurely before it hit movie screens.
They ought to execute this bastard! Disgusting.
Melyssa Hubbard - You are correct! People only need to look at what's happening in the United Kingdom - and look at the lengths the elites on the left, right, and middle will go to cover-up these sickening crimes.
I suspect the reason why prosecutors rarely like to deal with these and other issues of public corruption is because they might open themselves up to scrutiny. The political-corporate elite no each others most intimate secrets.
So what this means is that Hogsett let kids get raped when he could have prevented it, and it wasn't until he left the U.S. Attorney's Office that someone found the file and decided to prosecute?
How is Hogsett not shamed out of public life for this? Why didn't this come out during the election? How are the families of the victims not suing the U.S. Government for dereliction of duty?
Democrats sure got it good. Do whatever evil they want and get a pass. A Republican passes a law making it tougher to sue someone for sticking to their religious beliefs and all hell breaks loose.
The Democratic City-County Council members permit a renowned pedophile to sit in their caucus. What does that say about them?
Boss Hog also refused to indict Mayor Brainard despite evidence.
That explains why Brainard's number one fan Denise Moe was at Hogsett's victory party last night at Union Station.
Anon 7:57 PM That just shows that Denise Moe is a fake Republican! She supports the RINO Brainard and the Uber Democrat Hogsett!
Considering mkultra, local, state, national, and international satanism, and the cia using bait such as children to get (blackmail) politicians, military men, and businessmen to go along with the program (nwo or more accurately building the empire of satan), they don't want to step on their ongoing operations to take down someone expendable. So you can see why it takes time to make sure loose ends are cut, and damage control is in place.
Just google Franklin coverup for things you'll wish you didn't know.
Yes, our mayor-elect, with his slogan, One City, needs to tell the citizens of Indpls. why, when he had the chance, he did not prosecute Jared Fogle.
You guys finally ready yet to vote for a Libertarian mayor provided the party can bring forth a perfect candidate?
We should begin by asking the Marion County Libertarian Party why they cut a deal with the Marion County Republican Party not to run a candidate for mayor this year but fielded a candidate in District 3 in an attempt to sabotage Christine Scales' chances of winning, one of the only council members who has shown a willingness to speak for the voiceless in this city.
You are indeed correct. The Indiana Libertarians have some splaining to do! There are many who want to know why they to some critics appear to be a tool of Marion County's political establishment?
Fogle is a number one perv. Wanting both boys and girls and willing to travel to be with them? He should be a registered sex offender and be locked away for a long time.
Me and my libertarian friends worked really hard to get Republican Mayor Ballard elected 2007. I won't help the republicans again after that unless there is no libertarian in the picture.
I do recall earlier this year, Libertarians were trying very very very hard to get Rev. Harrison to run for mayor on the libertarian ticket. There was a lot of excitement that he might do it.
Never heard anything about a 'deal'. Maybe, just maybe the libertarians were trying to get as many people as possible on the ballot this year, regardless of where they live without any nefarious deals being cut.
Libertarians are a worthless social club
Umm, off topic but aren't libertarians all about open borders? Isn't that insane?
This 'worthless social club' of libertarians FOUNDED the Indiana Tea Party!!! That led to state government being cut 10% and so far about $4 billion moved back to taxpayers as we ushered in our state's biggest election upset when a lot of us worked to help a republican that year.
Do you vote Libertarian? Do you get off your wide rear end to help? No. You are a gutless anonymous commentator.
The country is moving more libertarian all the time. When you look at gun rights, equality and cannabis, especially.
I know you likely don't understand it, but culture has to move before we're going to move the needle in the ballot box. Culture is ultimately what drives policy and it can also drive an election result as it did in 2007 when the movement known as the Indiana Tea Party (led by libertarians) caused the biggest election upset in our state's history.
We are far more than a social club, but we do have a lot of fun together.
Next time you bitch about Libertarians, why not decloak or better yet, move out of your chair and come say it to my face. I'm sure you don't have the courage.
You do not move on a case until the FBI gives you the case. No information on how long Hogsett sit on the case AFTER the FBI gave it to him. It is well know, even on Dr. Phil that they were building a case for over four years. To blame this on Hogsett is just plain politics and nothing will come of it. As most of you know I am far from the democratic party as you can get but this is just looking for something to complain about.
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