Indianapolis Downtown, Inc. sent out an e-mail promoting race weekend events in Indianapolis, including a party sponsored by Playboy at the Conrad Hilton featuring controversial rapper Ludacris, who likes writing sexually-explicit lyrics which promote violence and disrespect for women. An online promo at RaceParty.com urges you to "come party with the playmates and Ludacris" this Saturday night at the Conrad Hilton, which is converting its second floor , according to the Downtown, Inc. e-mail, to "the city's largest ultra lounge with a dance floor, DJ, cocktail stations and more." Dare I ask what "more" includes?
"More" includes a 'casting call' for the girls of playboy golf at the brickyard.
Remember when U of Louisville was practically run out of town for their intent to shine a light and silhouettes onto downtown buildings during the NCAA tourney? Now THAT was evil and verboten.
Good point, Downtown Indy. I caught part of these clown's presendation to the Economic Development Committee chaired by Jeff Cardwell. This lady who works for the Downtown, Inc. actually had the gall to say that the City's hospitality industry was equivalent to 8 Eli Lillies. Cardwell totally ate it up. Barbara Malone was little more discerning. She reminded the lady that many of those jobs don't pay a living wage like Lilly. The guy, I think his name is Terry Sweeney, said, yes, but it would have a devastating impact if we lost any of those sub-living wage jobs. Cardwell has his head so far up their ass he can't see anything. What a joke he's turned out to be.
Indianapolis Downtown, Inc., gets just over $1M a year from the City to exist. If you want to gag, read what they claim to do for our fair city on their website:
Just another downtown organization on the public dole with little to no accountability for what they do with our money and how well they do their jobs.
If you want to be a major tourist attraction then you must give people a reason to come here....we need to quit being so provincial
I guess it wouldn't be too provincial to relocate those Carmel massage parlors to Illinois St. Maybe we can give that a try. And tax the hell out of them while we're at it.
Cardwell is still green. I have no doubt he's got the potential to be a good councillor. I know he's genuine and sincere about his desire to serve and make the city better for all of us. It remains to be seen whether he's got the nads to do it.
Everyone who's inhaled the fog of propaganda from the past decade has a tough time with reality, particularly when it comes to real and substantiated numbers for revenue and accomplishments. I think they are a microcosm of the internet - passing rumours around and back-and-forth for so long they eventually become 'fact.'
Don't suggest that tax idea too loudly, Downtown Indy. At the rate Ballard's going, he's apt to propose it.
AI, I have to agree with DI. I know Jeff Cardwell. He's always been an outsider, someone challenging the status quo. He refused to support the Schneider Sheriff nomination when the Old Guard put him up in 2002. He was an organization guy and openly supported the non-slated Joe McAtee.
I'd be inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt at this point.
Well, I know Cardwell refused to ask one single, serious question when the CIB leaders appeared before his committee to discuss the bailout and he chaired the committee. He knows those meetings are televised. If he's trying to convince us he's doing a good job, he's not doing a very convincing job.
Is it true that Cardwell sits on the City Market board, anyone?
I don't know if Cardwell is on the city market board or not.
I wouldn't be too quick to just the silence of some these Republican councilors. There are actually several on the council who are very against what is going on, but are scared because of the heavy handed leadership and how they become targets if they speak out. (Ask Ed Coleman about that.)
I know you can argue that not speaking out enables what is going on to continue. However, it's good to have quiet supporters even if they don't feel they can lead the attack or oppose the powers that be on every issue.
Let's concentrate more on the obviously bad counselors that need to go: Ryan Vaughn, Lutz, Cockrum, etc. If you make the list too long, including ones who are not being as forceful as they should be on the council, your dispersing the blame that should go directly on the shoulders of the really bad councilors. That hurts the reform effort.
Just my opinion. By the way, the above comment was from the Republican perspective. As far as bad councilors on the D side, the list is very long.
I don't see this as a big deal. Yeah, I find it somewhat distasteful, but many would find PrideFest, religious events, political party events, etc. distasteful. It's not like anything illegal is going to happen. People who are worried about this will be able to find out the George and Hulman families aren't behind this, so... who cares?
Downtown Indy, the massage parlors in Carmel are breaking the law..they are illegal. As far as I know and as far as anyting AI has written, there are no illegal activities planned for the paty at the Conrad....Get a life and get over it.
It is no big deal. It is not for families. The party clearly states it is for 21 and over. Carlos Diaz is having the party, not the playboy bunnies. Carlos Diaz is allowed to have anyone he wants at his parties. Since when is having a few friends at a party distasteful or wrong? I myself have many friends, some are famous and some aren't, but just because someone of a certain position comes to an event, does not mean anything bad is gonna happen.
We shouldn't judge an even just because of the people who are there.
It is simple in case you missed it. Carlos Diaz is having a party at the Conrad Indianapolis hotel and he has invited people he knows or associate with in his daily life. Carlos is an entertainment reporter so obviously he knows people.
So the attorney that wants to complain about how Memorial Day should be a family event, that's fine. However this event is a Race Party and not Memorial Party and this party is for 21 and over, not families.
Now since I vented, it is time for me to start getting ready to attend all 3 parties. Long Weekend ahead.
Where's the fire here?
"Clown" is the right word. They trot out the same dog and pony show every year, which they think somehow justifies all of the ridiculous high salaries in that organization. Everyone over there is a chief; there are hardly any Indians.
At least Barbara Malone did challenge (and easily blow a whole through) some of their phony facts and figures. Though no one else acted as if they noticed.
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