A joint investigation of the FBI and the Boone County-Hamilton County Drug Task concerning alleged misconduct with a prostitute over the last three to four years led to the abrupt resignation today of Boone County Sheriff Ken Campbell (R). WRTV published the following statement Campbell released to the media announcing his resignation:
"Certain allegations have recently arisen in regards to my conduct. While I believe I have committed no illegal acts, I must apologize for serious errors of judgment in my personal life. I have thoughtlessly and deeply hurt my family, friends, co-workers and those who placed their trust in me.
I will make no excuses for my actions because there are no excuses. I also realize that some might believe that all my previous words about honor, duty and responsibility now seem hypocritical. While I completely understand those concerns, I would just say that I did, and still do, believe in those ideals even if I did not live up to them in my own personal life.
I will have no further statement on this matter and would ask for privacy as I work to regain the trust of my loving wife Shari and our family who has needlessly suffered because of my self-centered actions. I will also work to again be worthy of the trust that so many placed in me over the years.
For now I am preparing to submit my retirement paperwork forthwith.
Chief Deputy Nielsen, whom also deserves a public apology because of my thoughtlessness, will serve as acting Sheriff."Mike Nielsen, who has a 25-year working relationship with Campbell and served as his chief deputy, has assumed the duties as acting sheriff. He was nominated in the Republican primary this year to succeed Campbell, who was running unopposed for a seat on the county council in November. Nielsen told reporters he was unsure whether criminal charges would be filed against Campbell.
UPDATE: Boone Co. GOP Chairwoman Debbie Ottinger tells the Star that Campbell is also dropping his election bid for the county council in November. His vacancy on the ballot will be filled by a person chosen by precinct committeepersons within the district.
Thank you for bringing this to your site for all to see and ponder the years and years of links and connections, coverups and corruption in this County...Bravo! There's a new Sheriff in town and one hopes some other matters will be brought to light and justice sought for those more quickly and swiftly as well.
Campbell is a guy that should never have been sheriff. He has short mans syndrome and has made the Boone county Sheriff's office a joke.
He is corrupt and he and Todd Meyer have lied and twisted the office from his first day!
To much power for small minded people never turns out well!!!!
Karma is a bitch!!!
Throw the book at this Tool!!!!
I'm waiting for him to claim that he got "screwed" out of his pension, if he gets convicted. Pun intended.
Allowing a prostitute to operate in his own county without her being arrested in exchange for sexual favors should get him indicted by the feds.
Maybe he'll claim that he was conducting his own personal n "under the covers investigation". Pun also intended.
There needs to be an investigation in the entire police department. There is another police officer, Officer Rich Mount who is also questionable.
How could his wife not know what was going on?
Back pay should be given to the prostitue, taxpayers who were also getting the shaft, and exspeciallyv his family.
No retirement benefits and no votes for an election to the county office.
I really thought he must be a Republican but all people regardless of party affiliation are self centered.
He's tarnished everyone's trust.
On Facebook, both he and his wife, Shari Campbell's facebook accounts are no longer there. Also, it's funny how their friends aren't supporting them. He admitted to seeing the prostitute so why isn't Nielsen doing anything about it. I'm sure he also knew about this. Police officers cover up for each other.
Prostitutes? The Ballard and Barnes Boys give away millions of public dollars to their buddies, but the Feds go after sex crimes?
Clinton didn't lose his job? Now Hillary is front runner for President. Might be a savvy career move by that Sheriff.
so the sheriif had consensual sex with a woman who, in the past, accepted money for sex. So the f--- what? Who was hurt? What crime was committed? If every man who has ever had sex with a woman who traded money or goods in exchange for sex,lost their job, the unemployment rate would be 50%
If he didn't do anything wrong, then why did he resign? He hasn't been convicted of a crime so he was not under any legal obligation to resign his office. That was his choice to resign.
The belief that this is okay or normal for a public official and a county or State Employees or under local, regional and a Fed. level is not normal. The bigger story is who knew what when and for how long and how does all the poor judgement of the Sheriff and many affect victims of crimes that were ignored or plead...Look at the big picture.
What has Rich Mount done? Please explain!
Boone County law enforcement needs to be investigated by the FBI - Period! Our Boone County residents need to open the cover ups of corruption in our law enforcement. It is a known fact in our county that our law enforcement serve their friends and not our "ordinary" citizens. I'm sure the FBI will find more to investigate after they finish with the Sheriff's Office. Let's clean house!!
Link the investigation to Z ville..School Board and officers and more..Why didn't this come out with Anderson and Dowden and more over the years..Prosecutor?
In reference to what Anonymous asked about "What has Officer Rich Mount done?"You should ask him. Maybe he'll be honest with you! There's a lot going on with coverups in our police department,and prosecution as many other Boone County residents have posted here. Refer to the first and second posts. Lebanon needs to wake up and do something about it. It looks like many other residents as myself are on the same page.
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