California Sen. Diane Feinstein (D) may have been upset that Obama's CIA was spying on the work of the Select Committee on Intelligence which she chaired, but don't feel too sorry for her. It seems her husband stands to net a billion dollars from a sweetheart deal the federal government made with his real estate brokerage firm, CB Richard Ellis, to sell 56 buildings owned by the U.S. Postal Service. Feinstein's husband sits on the board and and chaired CB Richard Ellis from 2001 to 2014, which received an exclusive real estate brokerage agreement on the sale of the buildings, which could bring up to $19 billion.
"The US Postal Service plans to sell 56 buildings — so it can lease space more expensively — and the real estate company of the California senator’s husband, Richard Blum, is set to pocket about $1 billion in commissions," the New York Post's Richard Johnson reported. Feinstein, whose personal wealth is estimated at $70 million, says she had nothing to do with the awarding of the contract.
This item is conveniently rolled out after after an accountability board chaired by former Sen. Evan Bayh concluded those CIA employees did nothing wrong in spying on his former Senate colleagues. Bayh, of course, is a paid talking head for Fox News Corporation, an affiliate of The Post's parent company, News Corporation. Feinstein was critical of that board's conclusion that no CIA employee should be disciplined, contrary to a conclusion reached by the agency's own inspector general.
CB Richard Ellis is the say firm hired by the City of Indianapolis to help choose a site for a new criminal justice center. It picked an airport site thoroughly condemned by everyone before city officials opted for the site of the former GM Stamping Plant. The firm also earned an obscene fee to help the City relocate IFD headquarters, IFD Station 7 and the Firefighters Credit Union on Massachussetts Avenue so Mayor Ballard could give away the entire city block for free to his pay-to-play pals for redevelopment, a move that will cost city taxpayers more than $60 million.
What a surprise... yet another left liberal Democrat who became filthy wealthy during government "service". The list of Bain Capital-like Democrat profiteers is as long and entrenched as the other wing of their party, the RINO esablishment Republicans.
From the party that awards itself the reputation as champion of the working poor.
So let me get this straight, the USPS plans to sell facilities they have owned and occupied for decades, only to turn around and lease back the same buildings for decades to come? It what twisted universe does it make sense for a government entity to do this? Anyone want to bet CBRE will negotiate the leases on contract for USPS with the new landlords? Not to take any thunder away from the story of Feinstein and her husband being confirmed scumbags. Apparently $70M just isn't enough for this spring chicken.
Feinstein had wealth prior to politics...Art collector and dealer with first marriage. Get over it folks. Get out and vote for no more wars.
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