By now everyone knows the terrorist attack on the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo has become France's version of 9/11 after the Paris metropolitan region was placed on lock down during a manhunt for the perpetrators, which ended in hostage-taking and an ensuing shootout with police that left 20 people dead at four separate locations between January 7 to January 9. The attacks came a little more than a week after Israel protested France's support of a UN resolution recognizing statehood for Palestine. What you probably haven't heard because it's not being reported in U.S. media reports is that a regional police commissioner investigating the terrorist attacks committed suicide late Thursday night, January 8.
Helric Frodou, 45, reportedly took his own life by turning a gun on himself while sitting in his office preparing a report after meeting with a family member of one of the victims. News reports said Frodou was suffering from "depression" and "burnout." Not surprisingly, some are doubting the official story, suggesting he was killed to silence him from speaking about knowledge he may have had about the origin of the terrorist attacks. Can you imagine if New York Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik had foregone appearing at continuous press conferences 24/7 during the days, weeks and months following 9/11 to retire to his office and shoot himself in the head? Kerik later went to prison for income tax evasion after he failed to report over $220,000 in improvements a city contractor made to his home, but not before landing a good consulting gig on the war effort in Iraq. He's still a regular cable news commentator on anything related to terrorism or police.
Truth or fiction, that is the question .
"France Terror Attacks Look Like False Flag - Something Wicked This Way Comes"
is a video on line that shows the Paris shooting in slow motion. What s sick and sad world we are leaving our children.
"How the Masses are Mindlessly Moved by the Mainstream Media",
video proof of this, found online.
Nations pull off false flag operations in order to legislate draconian laws against their own citizens for total control. Much like did on 9-11, Sandy Hook and now Paris France.
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