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Pete Peterson (left) and Laura Campbell |
The Indiana State Republican Party allowed the outgoing county chairman, Pete Emigh, to make 71 last-minute PC appointments to rig the election to succeed him. Naturally, Emigh chose people guaranteed to vote for his handpicked replacement, Fishers Town Council member Pete Peterson. At today's caucus election, the PCs voted 151-115 to elect Peterson over Laura Campbell, who had been serving as the party's vice chair. So nearly fifty percent of Peterson's vote came from the appointments Emigh made at the last-minute in clear violation of state party rules. The state party, which conducted today's election, is now in the position of validating an election outcome that was clearly rigged from the outset.
UPDATE: According to figures provided to the Indianapolis Star's Chris Sikich, 52 of the 71 late-hour appointments made by Emigh showed up to vote. That means that if the state party had not ordered those votes counted, Campbell would have won the election by a 115-99 vote. Campbell is entitled to appeal the vote's outcome to the state party.
I hope Laura appeals.. Don't let this egregious action stand unchallenged. Peterson deserves to be in an orange jumpsuit and is a total disgrace to the Hamilton County electorate.
Shame on all the office holders who endorsed him and those that voted for him today.
Sounds like cook county and chicago. Oh well
Still, for the record the public needs to know the names of the 71. They live in neighborhoods, they have neighbors, people don't live in isolation and each of their reputations needs to be reconsidered....or, considered. The SHAMING aspect is very much lacking in the R party and if this sort of thing is a Mike Pence thing then it is another nail in his looming loss.
The principal elected official behind this corrupt election is Fishers Mayor Scott Fadness.
Totally disgusting.
..."corrupt Marion county GOP slating." I couldn't have said it any better myself.
"if this sort of thing is a Mike Pence thing"
Mike Pence would have been his father's wet dream when this s#!t started. This crap dates all the way back to before Keith Bulen. The older folks may remember a day when being a Precinct Committeeman meant something. If someone wanted a state job - they went through their PC and County Chairman (whether you were D or R depending on who was in the Gov's chair). Bulen pretty much perfected the grip the party apparatus has over elections and its been passed down through the decades to what we have now.
Anyone remember when the BMV was staffed by political appointees? I went to a function and Rex Early was the speaker and he spoke about "back in the day" such as when the governing party controlled state employment and operated the BMV.
Nowadays most counties don't even bother with a slating except for Lake County D's and both sides in Marion.
I too hope Laura appeals. And I hope she wins. But, when the process is ruled by crooks and cronies, good luck. All this is one reason I no longer go to the polls. Why vote? Why waste time on a meaningless activity? I am now unregistered and intend on remaining so.
Friends of mine who lived in Fishers attended one of the public forums regarding Fishers moving from a town to a "second class city". My friends reported afterward they'd never met so many stupid people who asked such stupid questions. These friends realized many of the Fishers town people at the meeting had zero idea of the proper purview of municipal government and no profound underpinnings of "why" or "why not" Fishers should be a second class city.
My friends put their home up for sale and moved out of Fishers and out of Hamilton County.
What the town people of Fishers actually did by voting their town to become a second class city was to create opportunities for corrupt attorneys, corrupt mayors, corrupt councilors, and corrupt engineering firms to devise countless schemes to bilk taxpayers of their hard earned dollars. What fools I believe those Fishers voters were. My friends were smart... they moved out and moved out quickly.
8:09PM DITTO, insert Carmel for Fishers in your last paragraph.......been there done that and certainly experiencing the results in 2016. (drunken sailors comes to mind)
Carmel even lost freedom of choice on who we pay for trash collection. Of all things based upon the weight of trash trucks causing road damage. Of course the "all powerful wizard of Carmel" based his vision on a flaud GAO study. Naturally, there was NO mention of the wizard's construction programs utilizing cement trucks, gravel trucks, semi's loaded with construction equipment or for that matter, the weight of semi's utilizing Keystone during all this construction. Or how about those three or four school busses passing over the same areas?
Facts on causes of road pavements and road surface failure in case the wizard of Carmel cares. http://www.highwaysmaintenance.com/failtxt.htm
The real problem with the Hamton County GOP started with the formation of the "Constitutiional Patriot" party. The have been actively practicing dirty and defamatory politics for a few years now. Sadly, thy use the Republican Party to further their maniacal agenda. And disturbingly distribute false and personal information to attck the very people they want to be part of.
The answer to this in-needed devide is to force this group to run as third-party candidates. They then would be exposed for who they really are-angry people, that will do anything for power. Sure the party is splintered, however it is not broken. This may soon end if this 'patriot' group is allowed to continue hiding behind the Republican Party.
Sir Hailstone - political patronage is no way to run a government.
"Sir Hailstone - political patronage is no way to run a government."
I never said it was. I just mentioned that's how it was, and to some extent still is....
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