Indianapolis City-County Councilor Jack Sandlin has filed paperwork to run in the Republican primary for the District 36 state senate district covering parts of southern Marion County and northern Johnson County. The district's current senator, Brent Waltz, opted to run for the open 9th congressional district instead of seeking re-election. The corrupt Marion Co. GOP slating process was rigged to deliver the party's backing to Jefferson Shreve, a Bloomington businessman and former appointed member of the Indianapolis City-County Council who spent most of his adult life supporting Democrats for office until he switched his voting address to Marion County a short time before getting appointed to fill a council seat previously held by Jeff Cardwell, who resigned to join the Pence administration, after he started lavishing campaign contributions on the Marion County Republican organization. Sandlin wrote on his Facebook wall:
After many hours of talking with family, friends and praying a whole bunch, I am proud to announce that I am officially now on the Republican ballot for the May primary. I cannot tell you how much your support means to me and my family. I have worked hard for many years to be able to do this. I am ready to be your next Senator.
As a former Marion County grass roots "R" who self-selected out of the smarmy, corrupt organization and who no longer will use the label "Republican" because of what I witnessed up close and personal by the crony, corrupt ATTORNEYS often at the helm of that criminal political crime racket, I pray Jack Sandlin is victorious.
It would serve all Marion County voters to see Clairol Gal Jennifer Ping and south side Maleficent Spear defeated in their political chess pawns they push before the people who pay the bills through sky high taxes, often caused by "Republicans".
As a former Marion County grass roots "R" and elected official who left the corrupt republican organization because of what I witnessed up close and personal, I PRAY JACK SANDLIN IS DEFEATED.
The firefighters, long-serving party officials (like Ping and Spear), councilors that he treated like doormats (like Scales), and many others will support his opponent. Sandlin supported the corrupt Justice Center, and other programs designed to put money into his pocket. He never ever stood up against any corruption. He has lived off the public taxpayers all his professional life.
Ask police officers that he formerly served with if they would go through a door in front of Jack. Ask his former employees how they were treated. Look up RINO, you should see his picture.
"As a former Marion County grass roots "R" and elected official who left the corrupt republican organization because of what I witnessed up close and personal, I PRAY JACK SANDLIN IS DEFEATED"
Ladies and Gentlemen, say hello to Ed Coleman ...
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