It looks like it's only a matter of time before Castleton Square Mall goes the way of three other Simon Property Group malls the Indianapolis-based company has disowned (i.e., Eastgate, Lafayette Square, Washington Square). Police were called last night after multiple fights broke out inside the mall between the teens who loiter there, which spilled into the parking lot where shots were fired. Tony Katz, the no-talent radio talk show host Emmis Communication hired to work an expanded morning entertainment show masquerading as news on WIBC-FM, just happened to be watching a movie at the time. Guess which movie he plugged during his interview with WRTV about what he witnessed? I'm surprised Katz, a recent transplant who is clueless about anything regarding Indianapolis, even knew where Castleton Square Mall was. Of course, the movie he plugged was the lastest of CIA mind-control author Suzanne Collins' Hunger Games trilogy, "Mockinjay." IMPD claims it had advance intelligence of possible violence at the mall based on social media conversations. Whatever.
UPDATE: I spoke too soon.
Somebody tell @tonykatz of @93wibc that Castleton Mall is located in Indianapolis not Fishers. He's supposed to be knowledgeable media type?
— Amos Brown (@Amoswtlcindy) January 4, 2015
Major event at Castleton mall in Fishers. I was evacuated out of the AMC movie theater. @93wibc
— Tony Katz (@tonykatz) January 4, 2015
WIBC's other radio talk show host shows his back side.
They start as "mall brawls" and then end up like this.
— Abdul-Hakim Shabazz (@AttyAbdul) January 4, 2015

WRTV obtained this amateur video of the chaos inside the mall last night.
Ahhh, Castleton Mall... the new Lafayette Square. How long will it be before the mega wealthy David Simon, now of New York, will pull the plug on this venue just as he did at Washington Square Mall and leave behind decaying, empty structures blighting a City with growing numbers of neighborhoods in decline?
The area- and the City- have been in a steady state of moral and structural decay for decades... the process is now speeding up.
More proof that our Republican and Democrat career politicians have turned Indy into Detroit.
Yeah, but we have bike lanes!
Yeah, but we're building a cricket stadium!
And we have a "Landlord Registry"!
And we have pre-K!
And we have at-largers protecting their power by having political masters anoint them in a way the voters had no pertinent polling input!
If Adbud and Tony are the best Indy media can come up with we are in serious trouble.
Both are complete boobs utterly incompetent of even recognizing a fact let alone report it.
Maybe if they built high speed rail from Haughville it can be the success of Layfayette Square today....
Can you please throw up a couple links to help me make the connection between Hunger Games and the CIA.
I've never seen any of those movies, as they look incredibly stupid.
I gather that the plot is kids killing kids for sport, exactly the sort of thing the Cheney and ultra-elites class would find amusing.
Well, let's see...almost 11 minutes of news coverage, tweets, commentary all mentioning "teens".
Something is missing in this description of "teens" but gosh, I just can't put my finger on it?! Can any commenters help me figure out what is missing?
Suzanne Collins is an Air Force brat who received her education at IU-Bloomington. She now lives in Newtown, Connecticut--yes, home to Sandy Hook. Dr. Steve Pieczenik, the former terrorism expert for many years at the State Department has suggested she is under contract with the agency to write the Hunger Game series. He would know. He has authored such books himself and collaborated with Tom Clancy on several of his novels. Pieczenik is on record describing the manner in which the CIA uses Hollywood and the larger entertainment media for propaganda purposes. Of course, it's now difficult to separate media and entertainment folks thanks to the successful efforts of Operation Mockingbird. Most major media and entertainment organizations in the United State are nothing more than propagators for the government. Here's a link to one of Pieczenik's interviews on InfoWars where he discusses a wide range of topics highly critical of the U.S. government. His comments on Suzanne Collins come near the end at the 27:00 mark.
Thanks, Gary.
What's in the Hunger Games series that the CIA wants us to know/believe/be afraid of?
I'd really rather not watch the crap to find out.
Now that we have IndyGo bus service to Traders Point, it will be the next to fall. Simon managed Keystone at the Crossing is not far behind.
hunger games creeped me out because after you learn about agenda 21, you learn that the hunger games setting is pretty close to the end-game of agenda 21 (population reduced, remaining living in concentrated areas and the rest of the property has been confiscated by the government and no longer accessible to citizens.) I can see how the movie can be mentally conditioning people to expect/accept that scenario. Something I would expect from the CIA/intelligence/NWO psychos and their Hollywood partners.
In Tony's defense Fishers will attempt to annex it eventually.
Tony Katz is an unbearable whining obnoxious spaz. The only reason I can imagine he would be put on a morning show on WIBC is if they are intentionally trying to destruct the station down to mindless drivel radio. The Chicks are an embarrassment as well, they sound like ignorant valley girls with no character. There does not appear to be any chance at intelligent radio in Indianapolis.
Here is an idea for the Simon Mall. Turn Castleton Mall into "Rave" Entertainment Center. They could bring in Heavy Metal, Techno and Gangsta Rap Groups. Some of the Mall Stores could sell items depending on Venue to Rave Attendees. Beer for $9.00 in plastic glass. The Simon Group could then demand some subsidies for the "Rave" Mall.
Carmel could be the venue for Lawrence Welk type music or other old groups on the piano bar circuit.
There was a story on the news just a few days ago about similar mall brawls occurring across the country and how social media is used to organize these events. Of course I don't know if that is what happened here but in the news story the reporter asked the police department about it and they supposedly were on top of it and prepared if it should occurred here.
does anyone else find it odd that law enforcement expected such an event in advance due to "social media intelligence" but still hung back and let it get out of control? I wonder if they are fanning flames instead of trying to put them out.
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