Fox 59 News is reporting the arrest of a former Center Township official, Carmen Batts-Porter, who is charged with stealing $66,000 in public funds. Batts-Porter, the daughter of State Rep. Greg Porter (D-Indianapolis), served as a representative payee for certain Social Security beneficiaries who aren't able to manage their own funds, such as foster children. Prosecutors say the Center Township Trustee's office administers about $1 million in payee accounts. Batts-Porter is accused of using money intended for Social Security beneficiaries to pay off credit card bills. The township's former CFO, Alan Mizen, was charged by federal prosecutors last year with stealing $343,000 in township funds. Investigators should be asking why her father is paid an outlandish six-figure salary for a make-work job at the Marion Co. Health & Hospital Corporation in addition to his state lawmaker pay.
Activities of Porter Potty have long warranted review...
Joe Hogsett kept this case under wraps to allow time separate himself from the U.S. Attorney's Office so he wouldn't face any backlash from the black community for his mayoral bid.
Does anyone have a part-time government job paying $118,000 a year they can offer me? I could sure use the extra money.
Time to enact the recommendations of the Commission on Local Government Reform and eliminate township government. It is filled with corruption, and serves as an unnecessary layer of government we just don't need.
I noticed that Joe Hogsett couldn't handle this one as the U. S. Attorney....(wink) wonder why?????
We would need to eliminate UniGov as well based on that argument. Much larger sums of money are stolen every year by the thieves who run that organized crime racket; it's just not prosecuted.
Unigov saves by consolidation: one city-county bldg, one municipal garage, one DOT, one payroll system, one infotec dept, etc. It eliminates unnecessary duplication. We always read about corruption in township layers, especially Center Twp!
I've yet to see a legitimate study that proves UniGov has saved Indianapolis taxpayers a dime. It's all about consolidating power in the hands of a few elites who use our government as their personal profit center. The most recent fire and police consolidations promised tens of millions in savings. The empirical evidence proves those claims were false. The net cost of government only increased.
There are tons of young college graduates out of work and *this* is the best they can find in local government--people that likely needed a recommendation from daddy to find A JOB?
I hope she enjoys her Target crap from a jail cell.
Anon 10:17 - The first rule of Township Government is nepotism, the second is "connection." The motto is "take it, it's free money."
Rep. Porters fingers are into a vast majority of hires in Indianapolis. Case in point, Indianapolis Department of Public Works. Nothing but pure cronyism, nepotism and Tammany Hall hires dating back years. Your results, streets and potholes that go unpaved, grass that goes unmowed and trash left to rot in alleys. Remember Rep. Porter sponsored the bill to broaden expungement records of felons. Now his own daughter can take advantage of it...And the rest of his friends at DPW. Also, didn't Porter also make the statement about being a very powerful or the most power person in Indiana??? Look that up.
Federal time awaits her. She''ll
be a switch-hitter before she's
finished her federal stint.
Just another day in Township Government Politics. Township Government in Indiana is pure corruption across the state. Call in DOJ for a federal investigation of the political favoritism. Township government is a waste of taxpayer money.
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