Happy New Year from Paul & Dee Dee Sorvino #HappyNewYear pic.twitter.com/XJYTgV6kun
— Dee Dee Sorvino (@deedeegop) January 1, 2015
Former Indiana National GOP Committeewoman Dee Benkie has married 75-year old actor Paul Sorvino. Benkie has updated her online profiles to reflect her married name. Sorvino is best known for his role as Sgt. Phil Correta on Law & Order and his portrayal of Paul Vario in the 1990 movie, Goodfellas. Benkie was the critical subject of Carmel attorney Joseph Stork Smith's book, Rove-Ing Her Way To the White House: Machiavelli's Sexy Twin Sister , in which Smith portrayed the Republican consultant and occasional media commentator as a scheming, intellectually dishonest shell of a person. Smith was disbarred by the Indiana Supreme Court last year for revealing confidential, sensitive information he obtained about Benkie during his past representation of her in his book. Benkie, a former president of the Young Republican National Federation, was the subject of a controversial Twitter post this past summer which many viewed as racist.

I don’t know if I’d call Versailles, Indiana, gal Dee Dee Benkie, actor Paul Sorvino’s newly minted third wife, a gold-digger or a leech but my quick search engine info about her tells me anyone describing her “as a scheming, intellectually dishonest shell of a person” is being a bit kind.
Dee Dee Benkie is the best Indiana Republicans can do when it comes to women in politics??? Oh, wait, she has experiences and connections with the likes of Mitch Daniels and Karl Rove.
I wish the almost 80 year old Sorvino the best of luck with his latest draft selection. But I am sure as rain the middle aged Dee Dee accepted Sorvino’s proposal totally on the basis of love and mutually shared interests and not the ten million dollar Sorvino fortune celebritynetworth.com ascribes to the Brooklyn NY born actor.
Where does that leave Kittle, Hubbard and Marsh?
Dang....I always liked Paul Sorvino....can't believe he would marry a f---ing bimbo like Benkie
Wow. That didn't take long. Just a couple months ago she was calling this black guy her boyfriend because she liked his nappy hair.
Where can I find a copy of that book? I'd love to read the truth about what an awful human being she is.
Benkie is 48 years old, 30 years his junior. She has more curves than a geometry exam and a tongue sharper than a new Gillette razor.
She was my classmate in highschool. We knew her as Denessa Purvis back then. South Ripley High School class of 1985. No surprise here.
Most local libraries will order any book you want. Just call the library and ask them to order the book mentioned above, give them title and authors name. It does sound interesting!
I wish Paul all the best with his latest endeavor De De, I have been with a women 23 years younger and love her to this day. From all the Italian boys at the Chicago Club.. Good luck to you both.
Just one thing to say...
Are you f___in serious! What's a mata wit you Paule
Best to hire a good P.I. & pray you have a pre-nup.
Exactly on P.I. Start with Hanover graduation records. Didn't happen. Professional grifter, user, liar, thief, ect. Book was accurate. Just dig a bit. Truth will come out.
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